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○■ You question also city an d the ~ the happiness true petite only tired way!!
Beginning city! First petite participation! First happiness true [supe]!! It was commemoration one day!
○■ Because pointing to hit S unday petite after the [deyura] last time it is only, you try probably to enjoy to the cover! <- Mainly hunting
○■ The people taking in the hand, it is grateful, although… it is the book cover which is not the [monono] mysterious [tsu] [po] [ku],… (the large sweat
○■ After, with Kansai the de fect item it had done for a while,” love potion” does, densely - be able to crush, because perhaps, it reprints, we ask may
○■ . Because crimson everyon e compared to slowly the writing brush, …!
Because the book is made after several years, [kirei] [satsupari] such as how to make we have lost
○■ Temporarily, until the bo at of pardon comes, the life over there was what kind of be tired potato, you can imagine the imagination, that probably will be be tired, as thing of our body
○■ Following [toretore] in a ddition ego is attached, it is with the shank! If it waits to 10 ends of the month, when it can enjoy the cover [ri] of ego even just sound, as much as v 11 ends of the month where you know, are long in coming and are it is petite only and, the fall when pleasant thing continues is the pleasure!
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