- Exoticism with the atmosphere which overflows the Chinese cooking
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kahoo2005jp/14804783.html This time the gruel and the apricot benevolence tofu choice were done, a liberal translation Dieses Mal waren die Mehlsuppe und die Aprikosenwohltätigkeit-Tofuwahl erfolgt
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/bears_tobata/52662013.html This time being [be] [a] 6 team year-end party, it received [hu] [gu] course, a liberal translation Dieses Mal, das [seien Sie] [a] die Jahresabschluss- Partei von 6 Mannschaft ist, empfing es [HU] [Gu,], Kurs
- Asakusa , a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/erica_t/e/1744a0b5ae99bae94f0a69372f8112b2 With ice and black honey the sweetness of sufficient, a liberal translation Mit Eis und schwarzem Honig die Süsse von genügendem
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,