- Year-end party (part 3)
http://sanuki.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-9e6b.html This day, 3rd year-end party Este dia, ó partido year-end
- New thing end
http://azuhizi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-db9c.html Early morning run 12km of this day Funcionamento 12km do amanhecer deste dia
- 12/23 oceanic items of information
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/marea-okinawa/e/08b809a6409211210db3712c918c01e2 Because today when it is oceanic information of this day the north wind is strong as for the marine staff to the southern beach!! Well, the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [ke] [te] coming [ma] - it does year-end party this year after all becomes matter of concern Porque hoje quando for informação oceânico deste dia o vento norte é forte quanto para à equipe de funcionários marinha à praia do sul!! Bem, [tsu] [qui] [ya] [KE] [te] vindo [miliampère] - faz o partido year-end este ano depois que tudo se transforma matéria de interesse
- Year-end party (laughing) of TLP being lazy
http://ameblo.jp/terubozu883/entry-11110951634.html This day 1 (thousand love), a liberal translation Este dia 1 (mil amores)
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,