- Year-end party…
http://blog.livedoor.jp/metamolfose/archives/65718602.html With such a such a, Tuesday the launch of gid support center Avec un si tel a, mardi le lancement du centre d'assistance de gid
- The Mary chestnut somehow
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kurobara_ginsama/archives/1596931.html Such a such a night with 3 o'clock? Une si telle nuit avec 3 heures ?
- Christmas party @ Beppu flower water caltrop hotel, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/masari3/archives/51947509.html With opening of such a such a, disturbance, a liberal translation Avec l'ouverture d'un si tel a, perturbation
http://ameblo.jp/chelsea56/entry-11113220010.html Because when with as for such a master it is such a we would like to consult, just reservation doing, it is the case that you return home but, a liberal translation Puisque quand avec quant à un tel maître il est un tel nous voudrions consulter, juste réservation faisant, il est le cas que vous retournez à la maison mais
- Christmas meeting* Safe end, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/pianoyou/entry-11109531930.html It was such a such, but new Christmas meeting was everyone how, it is probably will be? Il était un tel tel, mais la nouvelle réunion de Noël était-elle chacun comment, elle est sera probablement ?
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,