- 2011-12-19 Twitter summary
http://kimura-harumi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/2011-12-19twitt.html As for special lecture of tomorrow demand control 关于明天需求控制特别演讲
- , a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/runa07seihou/37678512.html Tomorrow calling Christmas eve this, there is no at all 明天称圣诞前夕这,没有
- 2080 stollen complete sale gratitude m (_ _) m
http://suzukamakura.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/2080m_-_m-ee11.html Tomorrow Wednesday becomes special lecture of Christmas from the lesson and Monday of [panetone 明天星期三成为圣诞节特别演讲从教训和星期一的到[panetone
- Mary Christmas!!
http://plumskumakuma.seesaa.net/article/242237965.html Tomorrow whether day of pause 明天是否天停留
- Schedule
http://tranpo.cocolog-nifty.com/tranpo/2011/12/post-4a28.html Tomorrow even with [ribenji] of water kneading 明天甚而与[ribenji]水揉
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,