- Year-end party
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kisaragi_coc/archives/1696984.html Today, your own company (& companion of other company) year-end party… (^o^)/, a liberal translation 今天,年底党…您自己的公司(&伴侣其他公司) (^o^)/
- The seeing [yu] bearing [yu] it is uninformed
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/blocken-jr/e/5ed9e0603fc5f0965d588456c4143acc Today was year-end party of the father and the company 今天是父亲和公司的年底成员
- 12/19 (month) start around the bar which is conscious of end of year greeting
http://harake-0410.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/1219-9ef3.html Today there was a year-end party of the section which is before, but is, in evening, you must do to 10 of tomorrow o'clock, work entered 今天有在之前是部分的年底党,但是,在晚上,您必须做到10明天时,被输入的工作
- Year-end party
http://ameblo.jp/340406/entry-11109551192.html , a liberal translation Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
- This day which rises
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/shifo_2006/e/a64fc094a80434b3079fd6c95a4b8fb5 Today the president of [aimu] introduction year-end party of the Hachiozi rotary club, a liberal translation 今天[Hachiozi扶轮国际社分社的aimu]介绍年底党的总统
- It returned at last, -
http://ameblo.jp/aozorastore55/entry-11109991901.html Today [papan] the night was not in the year-end party 今天[papan]夜不在年底党
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,