- Usual end of year, a liberal translation
http://ojisan-gogo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-f2c5.html But, when becoming so, as for being troubled our country, a liberal translation Pero, al convertirse así pues, en cuanto a ser preocupado nuestro país
- Today, the [ze] which “gland salon 13”, [butsu] probably will be crushed!
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/daisensei_64/61572664.html But, end lastly, Pero, termine pasado,
- December temple child house lecture safe end, this year thank you. Also next year continues!
http://yuishouron.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/12-8d10.html But, “immediately before power” of the bookstore transferring being similar, we show unusual function Pero, “inmediatamente antes de energía” de la librería que transfiere siendo similares, demostramos la función inusual
- With photographing…
http://blog-yokoski.at.webry.info/201112/article_15.html But, although truly correspondence of the staff is different at all depending upon TV station, surprise… as for this bureau the staff feeling may be good always, is Pero, aunque la correspondencia del personal sea verdad diferente en absoluto dependiendo del canal de televisión, la sorpresa… en cuanto a esta oficina la sensación del personal puede ser buena siempre, es
- Life seven wonders
http://momoco-ex.cocolog-nifty.com/momoco_diary/2011/12/post-e1fa.html But to go to bed, to go to bed, because we were, it does not become great discharge, a liberal translation Pero para irse a la cama, irse a la cama, porque éramos, no se convierte en gran descarga
- Year-end party
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/rs800_1086/e/cbbc4f2ac2ddd6dfd26481ea456ec574 But don't you think?, there is a Sawayama temple truly around this, a liberal translation ¿Pero usted no piensa? , hay un templo de Sawayama verdad alrededor de esto
- Another dimension
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/morimori-aya/e/6eb44fe84dcb3dc747d57b66cd47f779 But, you become the eccentric depending upon the person who is heard, a liberal translation Pero, usted hace el excéntrico dependiendo de la persona se oye que
- Siwasu's scenery
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/khojo0761/e/b3d3b5ac752aa1896e99188f423cabf3 But, as for this time being delightful truly, in addition being surprised, from Kato on new. It is to receive the book Pero, como por este tiempo que es encantador verdad, además siendo sorprendido, de Kato en nuevo. Es recibir el libro
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,