- At year-end party season shank
http://mblg.tv/gin8nyan/entry/240/ Furthermore today ^^ what which is year-end party of the team of [basuke] foppery you drink at the store, it is, but to transfer, tomorrow, work ......... Além disso hoje ^^ o que que é partido year-end da equipe do janotismo que [do basuke] você bebe na loja, é, mas para transferir, amanhã, o trabalho .........
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/guccisan0901/61298551.html Today year-end party ♪ of company ♪ hoje year-end do partido da companhia
- At sushi iron Nihonbashi main office year-end party
http://koshino.at.webry.info/201112/article_17.html Today year-end party of the seniors where the company is intimate Partido hoje year-end dos séniores onde a companhia é íntimo
- The house of teacher
http://ameblo.jp/trumpgoldcoin/entry-11110762581.html Today after the practice, well the [a] which is the 祐 bloom which does year-end party at the house of the teacher (laughing) Hoje após a prática, poço [a] que é a flor do 祐 que faz o partido year-end na casa do professor (rir)
- With Siwasu shank [e] -
http://musashinokomachi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-265d.html Today was year-end party of the workplace, a liberal translation Hoje era partido year-end do local de trabalho
- Way it is not conspicuous,, a liberal translation
http://epipu.cocolog-nifty.com/epipu/2011/12/post-2bba.html The workplace (ahead proceeding) with year-end party, it starts today from 19 o'clock Com partido year-end do local de trabalho (adiante continuação), parte hoje de 19 horas
- December Saturday
http://blog.livedoor.jp/aonori_tsuchiura/archives/51320492.html Today from this concert of niece [tsu] child Hoje deste concerto da criança da sobrinha [tsu
- * Don't you think? the [za] it is, it is
http://ameblo.jp/c-chan88jp/entry-11111867325.html Today in the work & nursery school return, was the schedule which goes to the year-end party of the teachers of the pupil, but the ~ daughter [tsu] it is dense convalescence & coldly because of intense, the ~ which is cancelled (; ´д⊂) When cold it makes pull before the Christmas, it is sad and but well, be too cold!! Don't you think? winter and ~… <- Natural Hoje no trabalho & no retorno do infantário, estava a programação que vai ao partido year-end dos professores da pupila, mas a filha do ~ [tsu] é convalescence denso & fria por causa de intenso, o ~ que é cancelado (; ´д⊂) quando o frio ele faz a tração antes do Natal, é triste e mas bem, esteja demasiado frio!! Você não pensa? inverno e ~…
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,