- After it is the quasi- night,…
http://ameblo.jp/piromix/entry-11098227261.html Why, the Chinese noodles stop wanting to eat!! Because (laughing) the supper is eaten in order, being quickest, don't you think? at the time of the 17~18 is Porque, os macarronetes chineses param de querer comer!! Porque (rindo) a ceia é comida em ordem, sendo o mais rápido, você não pensa? na altura dos 17~18 é
- One person time
http://blog.livedoor.jp/niconico7/archives/51916048.html Why that it rides in the elevator, you laugh… Porque isso ele monta no elevador, você ri…
- Mimasaka area comprehensive selection conference & new member conference
http://kiyomaron.at.webry.info/201112/article_1.html Why, the flow it goes to that, comes to this and/or repeats Porque, o fluxo ele vai àquele, vem a este e/ou às repetições
- Now, we would like to convey.
http://ameblo.jp/hibinaohiro/entry-11097860019.html Why when it is end of year, always you are hasty Porque quando for fim de ano, sempre você é apressado
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,