- Everyone gathering, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/oueswim/archives/52233928.html This week Saturday it is year-end party, a liberal translation Diese Woche Samstag ist es Jahresabschluss- Partei
- As for Tokyo.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/fpkasa/e/428711904d875818728a25811d538c30 Because today had made absence, with example usual rearrangement Weil heutiger Tag Abwesenheit gebildet hatte, mit üblicher Neuordnung des Beispiels
- Year-end party 2011
http://hi-pressures.at.webry.info/201112/article_1.html It enters also today, the human sea goblin person of the liquor… as for [yabukogi] of next door in the fat Es kommt auch heute, die menschliche Seekoboldperson des Alkohols… was [yabukogi] nebenan anbetrifft innen des Fettes herein
- [ramon] it settles, a liberal translation
http://ramoche-mimipin.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-7493.html As for the present wind whose [deizuni] is strong after all however it is strong, the extent which is thought like it is not cold, a liberal translation Was den anwesenden Wind anbetrifft, dessen [deizuni] schliesslich jedoch stark ist, ist er, der Umfang stark, der wie es ist nicht kalt gedacht wird
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,