- The authorized architect and builder camera is bought
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yamasugi1961/61550314.html With [tsu] lever present start, a liberal translation Avec [le présent de levier de tsu] commencez
- As expected Siwasu (6 days), a liberal translation
http://33loco33.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2534089/ With, live (mc) practice of tomorrow, a liberal translation Avec, vivent la pratique (mètre-bougie) du demain
- BLUES my life
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/hiro0609/20111205 While with, saying, 16 days (the gold) this year day of last 5 parts, it performs with five minutes , a liberal translation Tandis qu'avec, dire, 16 jours (l'or) ce jour d'année de bout 5 parts, il exécute avec cinq minutes
- * The 〓 of [netabare] note & Seki [jiyani] ∞5 large dome tour @ Fukuoka dome memorandum
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/pan_foolish/65308566.html Oh, so so, this time being live, the [tsu] [te] which has Yara [tsu] [chi] choreography the [te] which says it is as for tune, perhaps this tune Ah, tellement ainsi, cette fois étant de phase, [tsu] [te] qui a Yara [tsu] [chi] la chorégraphie [te] qui indique qu'elle est quant à l'air, peut-être cet air
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,