- Year-end party. Kuwata live election. Healthy manager qualification test passing.
http://machan-nifty.cocolog-nifty.com/selfish_thinking/2011/12/post-cb3f.html In any case this week it ended also practice because and, it is the week when the result is produced in various sense, it is satisfactory Во всяком случае эта неделя оно закончило также практику потому что и, неделя когда результат произведен в различном чувстве, оно удовлетворительно
- Christmas & year-end party 2011, a liberal translation
http://toypoodle.tea-nifty.com/dolly_megu/2011/12/post-fcda.html In any case, don't you think? the year when it is possible to store to the work supplying securely will be entered, a liberal translation Во всяком случае, вы не думаете? год когда возможно хранить к работе поставляя безопасно будет вписан
- New member game 2nd day
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/28kihaha/e/d95a0f185b2c5c32fefc17d2b3ffadb1 Your calling story was designated as everyone Ваш вызывая рассказ был обозначен как каждое
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,