- Propriety of TPP participation, a liberal translation
http://maetetsu.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/tpp.html Already you think that it is not after, Déjà vous pensez que ce n'est pas ensuite,
- Marathon conference of child
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kane_ryuryu/e/a640b4efcaef9154e44a294fe82d7a27 Entering into [ma] [basuke], it influences also that it is running with you think, a liberal translation Entrant dans [mA] [basuke], il influence également qu'il fonctionne avec vous pensent
- The person who becomes aware enters the kana… which
http://ameblo.jp/shunkusakawa/entry-11099901391.html Already, already it is famous, but when her voice reaches more and more in Sawayama's person, becoming good, you think truly Déjà, déjà il est célèbre, mais quand sa voix atteint de plus en plus chez la personne de Sawayama, devenant bon, vous pensez vraiment
- As for doing in order to move forward…?!
http://ted-xiaolion.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-12-04 May be linked to more detailed information.. Une fois de plus avançant, vous pensez comme comme
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,