- Sekiguti Taro year-end party
http://ameblo.jp/yossi-11/entry-11097095663.html It is harsh well with [a] ~ [maji]! É áspero bem com ~ [a] [maji]!
- Amusement meeting laughing of night
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/tetsutomo2006/45837354.html Well, don't you think? the [a] -, such karaoke is splendid, the ♪ Bem, você não pensa? [a] -, tal karaoke é esplêndido, o ♪
- We would like to sleep!, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/norinorinori_1977/e/df9f85d8a18fd73d15104970f3c198b0 Well, the [a] - it is the seasoning wound and self-praise of the “car bran”, but it was highest, a liberal translation Bem, [a] - é o tempero ferido e auto-elogio do “do farelo carro”, mas era o mais elevado
- I smell, (the ¯□¯; )
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hamuane/e/e4478d94f4be29a059f42ac7253a7dc3 Well, the [a] - garlic being covered [tsu] [te] you feel, Bem, [a] - o alho que está sendo coberto [tsu] [te] lhe sente,
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,