- Year-end party of company… December 3rd, a liberal translation
http://taro8.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/02/post-5a81.html “From this, the event which everyone has enjoyed is begun” Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- Year-end party 2nd “Akimoto house” of [buroga
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/gateway9611021/27816774.html Of “the [tsu] [pi] which does it is coming out the bar”, it faced, but when you want to go from before, the coconut, a liberal translation Do “[tsu] [pi] que o faz está vindo para fora a barra”, enfrentou, mas quando você quer ir de antes, o coco
- Without it becomes, USB
http://katz.moe-nifty.com/1/2011/05/usb-77ed.html “The intellectual [tsu] of [washi] the store which is taken gives and, closing,” the [te] speaks thing and “is, to designate such as consequence of earthquake disaster dissolving “O intelectual [tsu] [washi] da loja que é tomada dá e, fechando-se,” [te] fala a coisa e “é, para designar como a conseqüência da dissolução do disastre do terremoto
- , a liberal translation
http://kuramae-japan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-478f.html When “it can order footgear turn, being accustomed to the footgear turn of Japan one Quando “puder requisitar a volta footgear, sendo acostumado à volta footgear de Japão um
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://koumuten-r1200r.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-04-18 Finishing also the walking “of Sakura and” producing the motorcycle from the garage and the box attaching, preparation completion ^^ captain taking on it is starting, a liberal translation Terminando igualmente o passeio “de Sakura e” a produção da motocicleta da garagem e da caixa que unem, o capitão do ^^ da conclusão da preparação que toma nela está começando
- 謹 celebration New Year & Keio organ
http://erineko.txt-nifty.com/hammond/2011/01/post-c615.html “After the war, requisition of the Ginza Mitsukoshi occupation force being unraveled, commemoration of re-opening being live, beginning the Hammond organ in Japan, repelling seems the father inside, is Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,