- mihimaru GT - Media information renewal
http://ameblo.jp/clark-still/entry-11135210236.html Last month as for mihimaru gt as a guest it participates on 11th, even in Christmas illuminational illumination system of the same opening place, a liberal translation No mês passado quanto para ao mihimaru GT como um convidado participa no 1ø, mesmo no sistema de iluminação do illuminational do Natal do mesmo lugar da abertura
- Activity 2011 December 24th six of Christmas
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chi_kawasakura/e/23ed1a2b6b16f7a1d53c58a44615b58a As for the welfare event of the company the male thickly the tonight when story of the event of the super with night of walking neighborhood is heard Christmas eve everywhere with at 11 o'clock local gathering making use of between morning illumination Quanto para ao evento do bem-estar da companhia o macho grossa o tonight quando a história do evento do super com noite da vizinhança de passeio for ouvida Noite de Natal em toda parte com no local de 11 horas que recolhe o utilização entre a iluminação da manhã
- As for three consecutive holidays turbulent forecast. . ., a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/yuru120yasu1103/entry-11114261819.html When last week, trying probably to copy the Roppongi illumination Quando na semana passada, tentando provavelmente copiar a iluminação de Roppongi
- Memorandum
http://adeline.at.webry.info/201112/article_1.html Sunday of last week (12/11), Kobe [ruminarie] you tried going to seeing, a liberal translation Domingo da semana passada (12/11), Kobe [ruminarie] que você tentou ir à vista
- Mary Christmas!, a liberal translation
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/tubuyakirodemu/diary/201112240000/ Some days ago, illumination it went to seeing in the husband and the son and simultaneous Certos dias há, iluminação foi à vista no marido e no filho e simultâneo
Illumination, Leisure, Locality,