- With Nishinomiya Hankyu in the midst of event opening!
http://ameblo.jp/gentil-shuken/entry-11110753570.html It raised from the personal computer after a long time! Levantou do computador pessoal após uma estadia longa!
- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/itawis920/36445507.html It is infrequent pc rescue É salvamento infrequënte do PC
- Tinted autumn leaves and illumination… Kamakura ~ river no island [pota] (2011.12.11)
http://neya.at.webry.info/201112/article_1.html It was the half-day when [pota] could be enjoyed after a long time, a liberal translation Era o de meio dia em que [pota] poderia ser apreciado após uma estadia longa
- Lunch and Xmas preparation.
http://ameblo.jp/sonoasa/entry-11115184948.html It made the forelock after a long time, it designated as the color which also color settles, after (the ^ ^) the [a] -, it is the refreshment and the beauty parlor, meeting with the friend, the lunch, a liberal translation Fêz o forelock após uma estadia longa, designou como a cor que igualmente colorem os acordos, após (o ^ do ^) [a] -, ele é o rafrescamento e a sala de estar de beleza, encontrando o amigo, o almoço
- This year the rear little.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kanae-chiara7/e/767f13a19e65f0e837333f21a9bd237b The ♪ which is the lesson after a long time with Ise O ♪ que é a lição após uma estadia longa com Ise
- As for illumination of illumination, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/hashi0303/entry-11105048558.html The after a long time high building you see -, a liberal translation É salvamento infrequënte do PC
Illumination, Leisure, Locality,