- mihimaru GT - Media information renewal
http://ameblo.jp/clark-still/entry-11135210236.html December 11th (day) being broadcast live with smile live program decides the pattern of zepp tokyo performance!!, a liberal translation 11. Dezember (Tag) seiend die Sendung, die mit Lächelnphasenprogramm Phasen ist, entscheidet das Muster der zepp Tokyo-Leistung!!
- As for tonight you and LUNCH TIME Vol.126
http://ameblo.jp/09210502/entry-11107085450.html December 24th (t earth) 24. Dezember (t-Erde)
- Varieties…, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/09210502/entry-11111085475.html December 24th (t earth) 24. Dezember (t-Erde)
- Guide of business hour modification
http://ameblo.jp/smaclo/entry-11115924346.html December 26th (month) 12: 00~18: 00 closing 12:00 ~18 26. Dezember-(Monat): 00 schließend
- December 4 sunrise coming thing
http://ameblo.jp/hakua927/entry-11114524337.html December 4th (day) king's night opening place 14:00/raising the curtain 16:00 Öffnungs-Platz-14:00 /raising des Königs 4. Dezember (Tag) Nachtdas Vorhang-16:00
- Saintly night, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/natu-neo/e/ec571cb00b553e0e4851c5b6136b9583 December 22nd (the wood), year-end party of pinewood dentistry of the Katsushika Ku blue door was done with the Ikebukuro burning butcher shop, the execution [ri Was 22. Dezember anbetrifft (Donnerstag), war Jahresabschluss- Partei von Kiefernholzzahnheilkunde der Katsushika Ku blauen Tür mit Ikebukuro brennenden Metzgerei, die Durchführung erfolgt [ri
Illumination, Leisure, Locality,