- There is also a motor show, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kinnowaraji53/39231349.html To be gentle it will make the nail of normal pearl pink Para ser delicado ele fará o prego da cor-de-rosa normal da pérola
- The Ginza occupying house* Star of savanna, opening of shop day news of week December 5th
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/uinouranai/e/4c73cacf26621cf654269c09bf92908d I this year, from Tokyo station applying in Yuraku Cho, think of the Christmas illumination among the circles that it probably will go to seeing, Eu este ano, da estação de Tokyo que aplica-se em Yuraku Cho, penso da iluminação do Natal entre os círculos que provavelmente irá a considerar,
- In star request…
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/furari_001/e/d3ae7ba1e564162d8dd7f17661c10bfb If normal you think that the fullest capacity decoration and illumination are attached, but wealth easy village is different one horse mackerel, a liberal translation Se o normal você pensa que a decoração e a iluminação da capacidade a mais cheia estão unidas, mas a vila fácil da riqueza é um atum diferente
Illumination, Leisure, Locality,