- À キ ━ ━ ━ (° ∀ °). ━ ━ ━!!!
http://ameblo.jp/orange66/entry-10432494771.html 50, now, I want the most? Disneyland! 51, met with her that the happiest thing ever ... I ll leave someone ☆ ↑ your imagination (laughs) 50,现在,我希望是什么?迪士尼乐园! 51,与她会晤的有史以来最开心的事...我将离开的人☆↑你的想象力(笑)
- Bruno positive on the gadget once Garimashita village girl.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/aoisora_september/e/621cd4e003c1b0b763238f7ae6811788 I just do not want people 言I合Tsu, it seems quarrels 我只是不希望人们言我合津,似乎吵架
- If you can not fight city hall
http://ameblo.jp/kimitoboku-or/entry-10407381032.html 50, now, I want the most? 50,现在,我希望是什么?
- また0zバトン!
http://ameblo.jp/dgraymansuki/entry-10404738183.html 50, now, I want the most? Karaoke, tdr etc51, the happiest ever full ー 50,现在,我希望是什么?卡拉OK,贸发etc51,最快乐的过充分ー
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