- Bruno positive on the gadget once Garimashita village girl.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/aoisora_september/e/621cd4e003c1b0b763238f7ae6811788 Something, I tend to What kyu Algo, tiendo a lo kyu
- Hen Chapter 260 BLEACH Missile Ibun 魄刀 story u0026quot;Truth? Thurs Sasaki vs cypress-like deathu0026quot;
http://gomarz.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-03-02-2 Something, like death, Qing-inspiring! ! Algo, como la muerte, Qing-inspirador! !
- とっくせんたいっ♪
http://yaplog.jp/moment_vision/archive/1498 Something, often came to look great location I went into the gap Algo, a menudo se acercó a mirar excelente ubicación entré en la brecha
- ハマる?
http://ameblo.jp/linecompany/entry-10387116319.html Something, when time and become twisted fun Algo, cuando el tiempo y se tuerce y diversión
BLEACH, Anime, Manga,