- weblog title
http://ameblo.jp/poaa/entry-10302682124.html issue ,
- Sketch “prose poem, board rail < widows >” −1
http://youjnsu.livedoor.biz/archives/51649680.html Poem of the board rail designates me as non value,” 蕩 exhausting”
- 2009.4.16
http://hisakokasai.at.webry.info/200904/article_5.html [jiyune], [reda] and the board rail, gay, the drug, the rose, [oideyupusu] and inversion, Shinjuku, violence and counter power, zero dimensions… and, well-known Yodogawa Choji to “[kowakatsutadesune] and [kowakatsutadesune], then, [sayonara] and [sayonara]”, this probably is the experience which how is said at the Hitchcock theater of the television! With French [anjie] where the fragrance of the medieval appearance where it settles remains even now, leaves from this Japan far, you experience Shinjuku of 40 years ago how! ,
- ジェレミー先生の個人面談の顛末、途中経過
http://loki-art.jugem.jp/?eid=739 Therefore the board rail you expressed in French, is, don't you think?
Baudelaire, Books,