- Disclosure obligation acceleration of high risk property!? Indigo 3 rank, it persevered!, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/risk-management/e/fa787bf98a235c5d52a87e7cd3e1385a In other words, destruction. Ahead, it has made the kind of grade which has not failed yet it probably will put out, is Es decir destrucción. A continuación, ha hecho la clase del grado que no ha fallado con todo pondrá probablemente hacia fuera, es
- Foreboding of turning point of the Japanese citizen
http://blog.livedoor.jp/yoiotodemasita/archives/51697375.html In other words it means being the field which rather many people do not know,, a liberal translation Es decir significa ser el campo que mucha gente no sabe algo,
- 鳩山弟VS西川のバトルの背景に見えるゴールドマン・サックスの陰謀
http://ameblo.jp/warabidani/entry-10277009294.html In other words, large is gained the person who is in the latest worldwide great depression Es decir grande se gana la persona que está en la última Gran Depresión mundial
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