- Wall Street, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/pocya_mana/archives/55484150.html And, 2008 of 23 years later, America which boils in the real estate bubble by sub prime loan and returns, a liberal translation E, 2008 23 anos de mais tarde, América que ferve na bolha dos bens imobiliários pelo empréstimo principal secundário e retorna
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/obedient/entry-10510922690.html Thinking, that with the timing, whether and, the [do] [tsu] of, we would like to do the investment which bets in the direction where sub prime loan depreciates it increased Pensar, de que com o sincronismo, de se e, [faça] [tsu], nós gostaríamos de fazer o investimento que aposta no sentido onde o empréstimo principal do submarino o menospreza aumentou
- 「海外勢が「亀井発言」嫌気、閣内の影響力は限定的の見方も」←この人の所為で金融株だけ売られている。
http://jiro-dokudan.cocolog-nifty.com/jiro/2009/09/post-0e92.html , but so if it does, if it does from the side which borrows the money it is grateful, at one time, holding “inferior claim” awfully, only the [ke] the bank where it was called viewing, finally, repays those, after the Riemann brothers failing, repays also the paper loss with having invested on the sub prime loan-related commodity well when from this, with saying, means substantially to hold inferior claim mandatorily , mas assim se faz, se faz do lado que pede o dinheiro ele é grato, ao mesmo tempo, prendendo “a reivindicação inferior” terrivelmente, simplesmente [KE] o banco onde foi chamado visão, finalmente, reembolsa aqueles, após os irmãos de Riemann que falham, reembolsa igualmente a perda de papel com o investimento no producto empréstimo-relacionado principal secundário bem quando desta, com dizer, significa substancialmente prender imperativa a reivindicação inferior
Subprime loans, Business,