- weblog title
http://studiomk.cocolog-nifty.com/studiomk/2010/09/post-9b02.html The [me] [tsu] [chi] [ya] oral [ya] it is the present you applied, the wife of [gegege], ends at tomorrow [Я] [tsu] [хи] [ya] устно [ya] присутствовал вы прикладные, супруга [gegege], концы на завтра
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/mahler0818/entry-10460217165.html The [me] [tsu] [chi] [ya], the ~~~ which is [kawayui, a liberal translation [Я] [tsu] [хи] [ya], ~~~ которое [kawayui
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/mahler0818/entry-10407637083.html Because the [me] [chi] [ya] oral [ya] it is good, even just ~~~~ that, is the value ant which is seen Потому что [я] [хи] [ya] устно [ya] хорошо, даже как раз ~~~~ которое, муравей значения который видят
- Float [ya]! Kimura sprouts in air ♪@ member story and sprouts [samuga] Nakai.
http://ameblo.jp/mahler0818/entry-10404570380.html The [me] [tsu] [chi] [ya] oral [ya], it is kind, is, 'the [tsu] which does it is and is kind' the place how [Я] [tsu] [хи] [ya] устно [ya], оно добросердечно, «[tsu] которое делает его и добросердечно» место как
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