- Gratuitous love [tsu] [te] what? With [tsu] lever. Prescription of soul, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/lightstardrops/entry-11054537133.html The pregnant woman and the parent, we want reading in the person of the person in one and 婚 life which from now on become the parent and all generation,… La mujer embarazada y el padre, queremos la lectura en la persona de la persona en una y de la vida del 婚 que de ahora en adelante hacen el padre y toda la generación,…
- With [me] eye, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/zebraorange/entry-11022683486.html Me of the name, 婚 life it is hitting the [ji] to sell, it perseveres and increases… orz, a liberal translation Yo del nombre, vida del 婚 es golpe [ji] vender, persevera y aumenta… el orz
- 2011-08-19, a liberal translation
http://krnn.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-08-19 However the Imai [chi] you cannot understand the how to use the 婚 life rise loader, here probably is what which should persevere No obstante el Imai [ji] usted no puede entender cómo utilizar el cargador de la subida de la vida del 婚, aquí es probablemente lo que que debe perseverar
- The weight of 1 years old
http://ameblo.jp/yuri12240701/entry-10943564837.html The varieties you must think as the standpoint where the body is put in the 婚 life market, with age… it is Las variedades usted debe pensar como el punto de vista adonde el cuerpo se pone en el mercado de la vida del 婚, con edad… que es
- As for the good marriage partner it is in the familiar person.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/cic9671/e/71f85a3e3c03e9d8f99ba422706afb0e 婚 life is not difficult ones la vida del 婚 no es las difíciles
- Sujets japonais, questions, opinions et suggestions, reflexions, commentaires, discussions, etc
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/erica_t/e/4512c48920177e9f9db045f3c5c8f999 婚 life completely there is no relationship vida del 婚 totalmente no hay relación
marriage hunting, Livelihood,