- The day when feeling is good, a liberal translation
http://erichan0712.blog53.fc2.com/blog-entry-1686.html 2011.04.13 *wed, a liberal translation 2011.04.13 *wed
- “It becomes this, first the ice pack.”, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/s-k-tko/entry-11097077320.html 201,112 …, a liberal translation &hellip 201.112;
- Grumble.
http://hanakumikumi.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-04-19-1 2011-04- 1901: 54 nice! (0) 2011-04- 1901:54 nett! (0)
- It came., a liberal translation
http://hanakumikumi.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-05-20 2011-05- 2001: 13 nice! (0) , a liberal translation 2011-05- 2001:13 nett! (0)
- Droppings.
http://hanakumikumi.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-05-26 2011-05- 2602: 38 nice! (0) 2011-05- 2602:38 nett! (0)
- You are surprised to the remarriage of the senior!, a liberal translation
http://eigoseikatu.blog123.fc2.com/blog-entry-505.html 2011-06-03: It is everyday life:, a liberal translation 2011-06-03: Es ist Alltagsleben:
- Time [tsu] [te] of 婚 life?
http://hanakumikumi.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-08-05 2011-08- 501: 17 nice! (0) 2011-08- 501:17 nett! (0)
- Looking back 2011, a liberal translation
http://sarg84.blog32.fc2.com/blog-entry-560.html Don't you think? 2011 was year of earthquake, a liberal translation Nicht denken Sie? 2011 war Jahr des Erdbebens
- Inventário da marca de livro 2010 de dezembro 2ô
http://u4ah3y6hj.seesaa.net/article/242424830.html 2011-12-22 multi first toast 2011-12-22 the multi raw beer seeing with the raw beer, this fine creamy bubble 2011-12-22 multi erster Toast 2011-12-22 das multi rohe Bier, das mit dem rohen Bier, diese feine sahnige Luftblase sieht
- , a liberal translation
http://flowerfairy.at.webry.info/201108/article_48.html 2011 September 21st (Wednesday) the 11:00 - 16: 30 Yokosuka central stormy hot water (Yokosuka city Otaki Cho 1-6) being similar, it lightens [kokoro] and [karada], - dream of everyone spreads, “the dream open space”, a liberal translation 21. September 2011 (Mittwoch) verbreitet das 11:00 - das 16:30 Yokosuka-zentrale stürmische Heißwasser (Yokosuka-Stadt Otaki Cho 1-6) seiend ähnlich, erleichtert es [kokoro] und [karada], - Traum von jeder, „der Traumoffene Raum“
- 30 kon
http://erichan0712.blog53.fc2.com/blog-entry-1695.html 2011.05.01 *sun *sun 2011.05.01
marriage hunting, Livelihood,