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    Daido Moriyama,

    Music related words Queen bee Tadanori Yokoo 大道さん Araki Nobuyoshi

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    • This day, excursion to Kurashiki Itimi view area.

    • ~5/16
      260, “north. Worldwide strategic” Steve [sutoritsudo] and [kurousu] [andoreason] 261 of Viking of secret today of flow [burandeingu] 50, “shopping manual [sonia] park 262 of [sonia]”, “magazine “decade” roundly every 2009 March edition Japanese radish” poplar corporation 263, “magazine “decade” is round every 2008 March edition whether,” poplar corporation 264, “Tokyo map book capital Osaka and Kobe l magazine corporation 265 which enjoys tokyo art & culture map art”, “the desk” chick building -> the book which can look at the work room of Naoki Urasawa and Kobayashi period clear and approaching/leaning rattan Bunpei etc in Michihiko inside the arrow Finding the book and the miscellaneous goods and the pen which by your have, you remember the affinity strangely and/or 2nd also feature should have come out, 266, free magazine “everblue 2009/no.24” -> the beach of the inhaling of future of the earth and the free magazine obtaining which thinks of environmental problem being clean, being distributed get 267, “the Japanese brown coffee kana [za] [wa] [yu] [u] 268 of Tokyo”, “the happy house [chi] it will be and occasion it probably will live in inside”, terrestrial circle 269, “weekend barbecue!” Everyone mouth “the print fabric male publication corporation 271 whose the [ho] densely 270, north Europe is lovely”, “t-82” Moriyama main street 272, “from the happy camera reader toy camera to single-lens reflex, all [maburubutsukusu] compilations 273 of the individualist faction camera which can be played”, “and each time” also Sakura densely 274, “the object spring flax person who becomes matter of concern” -> knowing also book 15 those which become the urine young priest of the Hamamatsu Cho station or the doubtful air which throughout the city is are introduced 100, the [ru] place coming out, you are surprised! 275, “the book Sasaki Masami supervision which raises the child of the healthy library illustration edition home compilation [asuperuga] syndrome high functional autism” -> main point being collected with the illustration being attached, being suited for the handbook in order to know [asuperuga] which is easy to know very 276 where you think as the [ru], “the one [reshipi] river coming out publishing new corporation of the toy camera using” - 4/11 - 3/23 - 3/15 - 3/5 - 2/25

    • OPEN
      The exhibition of [korabo] of the Moriyama main street and the other chestnut thornback tar you saw with epsite of canonss Shinjuku side, but it is don't you think? the monochrome [tsu] [te] it is astringent after all, taking once upon a time, properly you would like to develop by your!

    • Movie 'side [ri] [tsu] [ku]' release
      The life where 'the side [ri] [tsu] [ku]' of the title where the documentary movie 'side [ri] [tsu] [ku]' of supervision Ishikawa 淳 will of the grass fish on the movie 'tree' is screened (forest promontory partial land), the partial land which is younger brother on temple mountain learning/repairing Osamu's family register mother in of 1983 temple mountain learning/repairing Osamu's where temple mountain learning/repairing Osamu dies “it is liked,” is entreated and enters into the family register of the temple chalet, one body how as for epigraph of the movie they probably are unfortunate ones Allah key thing, in the rough lumber sutra consideration cast the forest promontory partial landThe rough lumber sutra consideration, Akira Uno, Satoshi inlet Oka one, Ogawa it is the firewood, Takeo Kimura. . Kiyouko, Sasaki sagacity, bamboo grass. Hiroshi 之, j a Caesar, [shiruvuetsuto] [bodoro], normally, Takahashi 咲, the new high [ke] it is, the child, Hagiwara new moon beauty, Tosihiko Hino, Hiroko [govuasu], Matsumura 禎 three, Hiroshi Mikami, the Moriyama main street, the mountain, the orchid good child, Wakamatsu Takeshi history, etc…If with, it is the person who knows that times, test copying is done July which is the kind of personnel which the tremble runs and in August so as for the movie release which is 2009 fall as for information of the movie 'side [ri] [tsu] [ku]' please with [kochira]!

    • To October 10 Nisshin bamboo
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , original meaning

    • Originator one game (being? )
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , Feel free to link

    • Gift spreading/displaying at Gallery Niepce
      In the middle of gift spreading/displaying gallery niepce+schtucco presents travelling, you have not thought in such a wind? “The ・・・☆ which encounters” so, this time to get together, every one which is one [kuse] and cover [kuse] which participate in gift various field of destiny which “only comes inside”, the exhibition person Akiyama Noboru + embankment leash which gathers the collection of the 珠 ball which designates the gift as main it is dense [graphic designer /schtucco]|It makes + Hasimoto medium rattan Takahiko, the child +galleryniepce all [photographer /gallery niepce]|+ Tail relations Yuuko tail relations Kouji [photographer/gallery highway]|The road river Satoshi + tin coming [a] it is dense [illustrator]|Kanako + cedar Mori Toshiyuki Shinohara [roonee 247photography]|Forest. 督 line [Morioka book store]|The United States. Eriko + Maya Kiyouko + Yaguti Ayako [glass technical art /nido]|Murakami benevolence one [editor]|Yura ring [photographer]|Satoru Fujita [Austin record]|[takazawakenji] [lighter/writer] other guest exhibition = Moriyama main street!! (Buying your what kind of gift whether with interest Tsu 々 shank) is not exhibition of the stain dog lath where also the gift of nido participates, but the one which has interest welcomes viewing the gift of destiny by all means* Gift spreading/displaying gallery niepce+schtucco presents 2010 January 25th (Monday) - February 7th (Sunday) 1: 00-8: 00pm [giyarariniepusu] Shinjuku Ku four valleys 4-10 on 2f May pulling flower tel 03-3356-8807

    • From very popular big river serialization 7th Ikeda Daisaku God you release in other things,/Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, [daisaku]!! As for pope when it becomes sometime, to honorable chairman visiting in audience?
      Это мнение , Japanese talking

    • Premium of oak fan, up-to-date [se] [do] [ri] information
      In the oak fan of this day, up-to-date information of the [se] [do] [ri] (the up-to-date list) charisma of that [se] [do] [ri] which is, business and the study reference which are the list which Aoyama supervised, being chosen from category of photograph collection, in the business book which it increases, the book of the one, “Nakamura heaven wind”, as many as 3 volumes being nominated by the large amount book, from now on it increases pulling in “Amazon,” when you search the book which it has linked and the book etc which it is related, it hits and after also the possibility of striking to the book being, with photograph collection I have searched from the time before, but the “Moriyama main street”That there is a value which the [gugutsu] where photograph collection is high price [te] is seen regardless and, the Michael-related book where dvd of that movie of this day has become sale is high price, but whether or not photograph collection and the magazine which circulate abundantly after when being useless, timing is removed, when in Amazon where is just the rare rare book which is out with “michael jackson” plus keyword, well enough the various books and the related goods etc, you try searching that it is found at eBay and the like, after very funny thing……, stock from eBay with courage,… with the shank

    • The time like the whore it does in, gratitude
      Comentarios sobre este , original meaning

    • Osaka
      It just opened this day off beyes Osaka krispy kreme doughnuts the Moriyama main street “six” which now weekend was done in [opunkomudegiyaruson] Osaka as for the h&m Osaka photograph which is in any case enormous person it is the little licking to Osaka, but the shopping which is the traveling where you ate, shopped, looked at the work and/or with accompanied the child and is complete comparatively was not possible excessively, but, as for the trophy with future

    • 2010 my art appreciation records 
      In 2010, me, as for the last amount which is, the index page of the record which does to the art space of the fine arts museum and the like, the member discount which is the amount which I really used and 2010/01/02 where it is amount such as ticket and the gold note shop purchase which are received “furthermore image Ishida which stirs the source Tokyo photograph fine arts museum of will and abstract animation”. . 0-2010/01/02 “the look Tokyo photograph fine arts museum of Ihee Kimura and [anri] Cartier = [buretsuson] Orient and the West”. . 0-2010/01/02 ““by the rising writer spreading/displaying vol.8 of Japan the traveling Tokyo photograph fine arts museum starting - 6 artists”. . 0 - 2010/01/03 Moriyama main streets “around magazine work 1965-1974” nadiff a/p/a/r/t. . 0-2010/01/08 “the artist domani which bears future tomorrow spreading/displaying 2009” the national new fine arts museum. . 200-2010/01/11 “luxury: Desire” spreading/displaying Tokyo of fashion the modern arts museum. . 600 - 2010/01/11 “the spatial design with younger sister island harmony world/COM [de] garcon” Tokyo the modern arts museum. . 0 - 2010/01/11 “[suuedeitsushiyu] fashion - seeking new identity,” spreading/displaying Tokyo the modern arts museum. . 0 - 2010/01/11 “Katuhiko Inoue: Entrance space project” spreading/displaying Tokyo the modern arts museum. . 0-2010/01/21 Kotani Motohiko “hollow” meson Hermes. . 0 - 2010/01/21 cedar rice field Kazumi “the opening” [kobayashi] picture galleries. . 0 - 2010/01/21 Thomas [ruhu] (thomas ruff “) “cassini+zycles” gallery small willow. . 0 - 2010/01/22 Sawatari new moons “kinky” bld gallery. . 0-2010/01/22 ““by the rising writer spreading/displaying vol.8 of Japan the traveling Tokyo photograph fine arts museum starting - 6 artists”. . 0 - 2010/01/23 daybreak houses. Spreading/displaying “elegant” [mizumaatogiyarari] Ichigaya. . 0 - 2010/01/23 “no man's land” spreading/displaying old French embassy. . 0 - 2010/01/24 “no man's land” spreading/displaying old French embassy. . 0-2010/01/28 “the look Tokyo photograph fine arts museum of Ihee Kimura and [anri] Cartier = [buretsuson] Orient and the West”. . 0 - The fact that link has been attached, there is a thought article and is (writes little by little) Tokyo art beat Tokyo photograph fine arts museum Tokyo this article of modern arts museum national new fine arts museum nadiff the entry which is the index, the storage space of this article which it is not possible (thing of renewal day and time), Yukako's Matsumoto the music photographer who modifies restlessly [burogu

    • It is the [ii] feeling
      kanji character , please visit the following link

    • Aimless TOKYO 1969
      Health special edition before going, doing with [parukohuakutori], to [ru] tokyo 1969 Shinjuku 24 of the Moriyama main street o'clock the [chi] [tsu] [ku] [paruko] of [posutabukuro] of Akira's Uno illustration and the sailor was mode in the jury of photograph Oji look, it is, the catch copy of the [miyujitsukuraihumitsuku] jaguar of ~68 year met and remained and even “the meeting saw of anarchy and the beat generation” the ~ (the [ro] which is [mazui] -) “Oji other several points of Akira's Uno star” and the health post card of Yokoo loyalty rule, bought to the gift

    • Goods of Moriyama main street
      When the Moriyama main street is searched with Amazon, although other than book and dvd why some case hits in electronics, after so long a time, when you become aware, try seeing goods such as how tramp and pen were found, first this photograph collection “kagero & colors” also cutting not yet recording has entered into photograph collection in how tramp, this which everything the photograph which is different it puts out to every and is enormous, that for example those where you say, or but the desired basis is the pen, it can slide you can project the prominent photograph 8 leaf of Moriyama if the photograph and the photograph of the child which by your take can be inserted, is good to also the present and the likeBecause it can sell the one which is made the goods of such concept of the margin which is rubbed, when the sale cause of wanting rough lumber sutra consideration version privately is seen both were superheadz of lomo and with the paste of the extent which becomes and the sight of the Shibuya foreign books store shelf where agreement photograph collection is handled being sold to the clock, and the t shirt which in addition designate the photograph of the Moriyama main street as motif already to fashion which makes the width of base of Moriyama popularity ask whether converting, don't you think? it increases, complicated feeling

      ilford panf+ ei50, pyrocathd 1:1: 10,014 min and newseagll 0.5 it is the test one eye of this film, but tmy400 this film which is different is that basically contrast is raising or, but as for the negative which rises it is not bad in the predicament which the high key the negative, is burnt sharply with 0.5, it is, don't you think?, if being the pitch-dark place, you take here normally, gradation is completely not to be, but if as for this film however use it is necessary more to stuff the exposure and development time which may, this much gradation comes out, whether in future ruins photographing it becomes strong friend, after 1.5. It finishes in weakness and the [re] [re] however it is to be good, economizing development time, after trying testing 2 flat knots, may be also the hand which you develop with [serekutoru] don't you think? is, when just this is high contrast, use it may it does also the air in lith print, exactly, also the lith developer it entered into the hand because and the combining which tries doing by the way time of burning whether usual 4 times the Moriyama main street (photographing also wry smile across with the same shot, development rose, how it burns, the darkroom it may to enjoy and continue early morning starting 2 weeks after

    • It is intellectual and others what
      The film doing from former times, the [ru] person, says that the choices decreased, but for example if it does from the oiler which recently is begun it is sufficiently many, the left and as for the middle film as for those where it is visible similarly probably just is the oiler? To tell the truth it is different, it is it is the same Kodak corporation make which is, but the left try x, center calling tmax, at all they are another ones, the [tsu] [te] which (you see and the [ri] [ya] is understood? Well, but so, because), there are several types even just those which also the type of kind of developer where the person who for a long time as for certain with try x, from former times is improved loves the monochrome in the photo hula fur which is many, sell in [yodobashi], don't you think? as for the number of combinations of the type × developer of the film as for the Moriyama main street person who becomes suitable ones as for the film try x, as for the developer d76, as for the printing paper it seems that used the Mitsubishi moonlight which had become the production discontinuance, if the material is imitated, it is understood but, even then one time without doing that it is not something which can take the similar work it cannot be In that way, ahead arrives being where? As for that it is not understood by anyone, (laughing)

    • Novel magazine “STORY BOX (story box)” of the Shogakukan Inc. library size favorableness
      At the library size being convenient to the library size novel magazine conveyance of publication from Shogakukan Inc., just Chinese character 2 letter Shogakukan Inc. last month founded the cover “the story box (story box)”, is the monthly novel magazine where unique format and design attract the attention, “as for the reader of the novel lover going in the shelf of the library, as for the novel magazine that even existence in just the late start group which is not known excessively, makes in the place put where access is more it judged as profitable step that” to be different from the Sugawara Asaya chief editor usual magazine, the following number being sold, that way the shelf of the libraryAs for title of the up-to-date 2nd number which is also the advantage of being placed as “a Cabinet” actor and a dramatist the room which participates. Besides the fact that light novel serializes the “the cabinet”, when forest seeing Tomihiko, the reader whose familiarity is thin in the novel magazine where the entertainment writer of popularity connects name in the young layer such as the Wada dragon probably will be taken in, demand of the first issue which printed 25,000 section which used the photograph of the Moriyama main street in place of the illustration may become big stimulus for the favorable other magazine, (product sutra new 09.9.13)

    • Because you cannot sleep, the news item picking up.
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , original meaning

    • Is the hand blurring bad?
      Is the hand blurring bad? , but the camera how you obtain and as for the thing, the darkness which cannot make shutter speed with it is not the only-too-natural story which is something which causes the hand blurring or, this cheap camera there is the hand blurring revision once, is made proper on [yotayota] which is matching you walk to the oiler which [yotayota] you are walking the life where this one it is this [zama] is better, it is not! It is the disturbance! With as for the healthy person the word arm ginger, the [a] it is to do [yotayota], it is personality, how it revises to question, you bore? In the human as for such a convenient mechanism in the illness person of [yoiyoi] which is not endowed the philanthropic hand gr digital of compact [dejikameriko] where temporarily, the lens is brightⅲWhen to transfer difficult the occasion where is so it does, the tail shaking in the Moriyama main street, it is possible to offer, is

    • April 29th it clears up, the occasionally clouding and resigning gale
      Opinion , linked pages are Japanese

    • In addition, the foot trembled.
      En japones , please visit the following link

    • Potato Chips
      Em japones , original meaning

    • Olympus E-P1 test first day
      Opinion , please visit the following link

    • プロが選ぶ、究極の一冊
      kanji , original meaning

    • 神田古本まつりへ行く
      However Sunday the crowd second-hand book where this which goes back and forth to the Kanda second-hand book enshrining is enormous well it enshrined and how had not come anymore for a while, that the person getting together so - becoming delightful and/or by his the buying [tsu] [chi] [ya] bearing lately in Amazon, God preservation town how almost it does not go, but it is now then when it tries coming, don't you think? the second-hand book is funny after all, - the feeling which finds the treasure from in various most as for coming to God preservation town school days kana? The book of the American literature type the Kitazawa book store or the Kitazawa book store the first floor becoming the store of another picture book, the [te] was surprised to buying, after starting working, rather than calling the book, the record coming to buying, when it goes the shelf just a little reverse side, when also your such a such a Showa may there be the store, Kitiziyouzi, lovely store there is, unjustly can curve don't you think? it is funny, as for the God preservation town neighborhood the poster of the ceiling stand of the Yokoo loyalty rule where [buratamori] feeling skillful this time, the Komiyama book store is completely funniest, original print of the Moriyama main street, it could encounter those which usually are not easily seen however you cannot buy, don't you think? the Allah keySign entering [pora] 1 50,000 Yen the foreign books, after all, I Patagonia notes from the field purchase English study the [te] and others the intention of trying reading freely and easily

    • 10/12のつぶやき
      mon and oct 1202: The cyprinodont which 02 the “cyprinodont box” you read again and return even 13 set as for thing, as for the latest flask planned news item being the training from beginning? Whether after, that [kiyara] which has [kuse] is all ab type the intention type of blood carrying to the key like direction of special & abnormal 19:15 at present the circular building in the [u] Yoshida bag the limited shoulder bag, almost buying the day towel handkerchief with loft, in [akiba] on the move nevertheless, effect it does the 餃 child volume of the oden well with what and is at the store of the Shonan oden after this of the dinner, the manuscript writing schedule 19:43 meal ending somewhere, 22: “Seal of 473 year old [butsukusu]. As for the numbers of cartoon large all the” browsing works however it is many, you say or, that [tsutsukomi] is shallow, to revision correction the seal. As for treatment when how it is what (the ^_^;)However the photograph of the rear cover has become the work and the postscript of the Moriyama main street, is what it is not visible probably just yourself in only the mere black betta foil pushing?...... [jienosaizu]' inspection taking in time of normal Hiroshi 22:48 Uno seeing 更 course learning/repairing Ichiro 'criticism, we would like to read thoroughly how like this the fire of the other side it puts out the fact that you say in the mania press neighborhood for by your, the filter in such sense without applying, you can read, that the 23:55 which is thought recently, sends the mail of the same encounter type at pace about of one hour one and thought does not reach to the place the partner whom the foolish trader who is attached receives how thinks it is annoyance mail exposure, it is caught it is it is not caught to kana here which is, probably will be powered by twtr2src.

    • 朝の気温は一桁台です
      When now as for Kushiro of morning, as for air temperature of 6 where it is clearing up o'clock, as for the forecast which is 9.2 degrees, it clears up and occasionally becomes cloudy and as for expectation maximum air temperature, before entering last year and the winter when it is the 18℃ as for the last minimum air temperature 2 column level, on October 30th after that 6 days which are the 13.5℃ October 24th, it is below freezing which is morning of below freezing, in Hokkaido the day before yesterday which is turn of the remote engine starter, “daido moriyama: Work explanation and the message etc which as for secondary prize of the time-honored continuous service commendation where hokkaido Moriyama main street Hokkaido” reaches, the inside the house and as for this photograph collection which the half [tsu] densely is done, as in the fine arts complete works which line up into the order book shelf which is the curator room of the fine arts museum of somewhere you are prize to your own, being large, are heavy and are, altogether it is not. The work which does not have either number lining up, everyone who extending to many aspects, picks up day ham victory largely and others rejoiced the present Hokkaido newspaper every rule regarding the publication in the last page, just several lines as for the details and the like which reach to photographing which is side letter, knows one time which is the better cartridge you just opened, from densely and others, would like to see thoroughly in explanation of the online shop and, painfully with victory with redoubling, supervision, the player, the fan agreed by all means, controlling play off and the Japan Series, it is potato to look at the Sapporo victory parade

    • LoveCub50♪プロジェクト展( #^.^#)
      issue , Japanese talking

    • プラモカメラ
      The notion that where, it sells the Japanese “Plamodel & camera” kit in that appearance dream of mania the Moriyama main street model being, the version classified by such of this being like comes out (from wired vision), however it is certainly just a little we want, as for the camera of film type however the almost digital camera (the k tie camera it includes) it has been displaced, it seems that is appealed the person vis-a-vis the direction where we would like to appeal that it is different, as for such product as for fixed demand however there to be thing kana Plamodel that it is tend, it can be guaranteed, making, [ru] midst it is pleasant, but is, when it makesBut, for a while however it decorates, losing interest directly, the reason which is the times when the SI dance [tsu] [chi] [ya] uninformed you say, after this how is and making you can use in photographing! The [tsu] hanging, when film one amount you take you grow tired

    • 卒業式、終わる
      nikon f3 w/ai nikkor 50mm 1.4s, kodak portra 400nc 25th, graduation ceremony campus in the foremost year one. Also the cherry tree which starts blooming from several days ago which are the day when it becomes cheerful almost with the full bloom, to be very warm, this year when it becomes suitable cheerful in graduation ceremony becoming new subject, & new course with new graduation ceremony, as for the graduate of the course which consists of approximately 30 names which freshly, we have decided to do the fact that you did in every field together with course, exceeding the fence of field, relations to be good to that, as for me, the students whom the kind of air where new course has gone rather well has done cooperating, after you think that because it organized & managed graduation travelling and gratitude meeting, societyBecause you suffered hardship with investigation practice together, and, with the very good atmosphere where kana gratitude meeting cooking was tasty, as for t teacher “last lecture ukulele study outline” to entitle (laughing), while performing ukulele blues “cherry tree”, as for the graduate of the table being impressed to the performance and song, you had been moved to tears, organization conversion of the feeling (laughing) in the first place gratitude meeting that, including chairmanship advance, (being [maji],), entirely it was already carried well, while it is very superexcellent as expected, the feeling, graduate of course lastly you received the photograph collection of the Moriyama main street as a token from the graduate of seminar(! ) Furthermore sign it enters, (!! ) Well, it was excited with how doing well, rather you inserted in the hand, it is probably will be?? You do, from seminar inside 6 while graduating as for 4 people as for the society member and 2 people you think however, with that the graduate student it becomes respectively very much, probably are all right from April, the seminar graduate which is harsher than everywhere therefore (laughing) with paying attention in just the body, the graduates and the next time which become the society member who wants persevering as for meeting, perhaps, seminar barbecue kana everyone of March of next year, being vigorous is questioned with your graduation [me

    • ハイビジョン特集 東京オン・ザ・ロード 〜写真家・森山大道の世界〜
      When main street Mr. Moriyama ta coming to the class which is done a little before, the class kind of scenery where image of the collection of data which has done is broadcast it probably has been taken to some manner? As for me being taken, it probably will reach? The movement which arranges the work enormously being bad probably will be hi-vision special edition “the world of Tokyo on the load - photographer Moriyama main street -” NHK bshi March 12th (the wood) the 20:00 - 21: 30

    Daido Moriyama, Music,

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