- After all the Japanese combined [wanderinguahuta] 25 years
http://michio.cocolog-nifty.com/sarabakaiketukurozukinn/2010/04/post-596b.html There was the plan that in summer vacation of 1 years the companion of the wanderer section of entire country gets together in Nagano prefecture and camps with mixture Был план который в каникуле лета 1 лет товарищ раздела wanderer вся страна получает совместно в префектуре и лагерях Nagano с смесью
- Morning ocean? 'Rain'
http://kagonomuseum.blog120.fc2.com/blog-entry-970.html In case of me, when school days, wv (the wanderer) having entered, the knee the left it could hurt В случае меня, когда учебные дни, входя в wv (wanderer), колено левая сторона она смогло ушибить
- original letters
http://skd8.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/05/post-c6bd.html As for 10 people wanderer section ob of the same university Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , Japanese talking
Wandervogel, Sport, Music, Nature,