- With Yokohama [sarusa, a liberal translation
http://chiro365day-to-day.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-abee.html Furthermore because it was favorite tune, also enjoyment was redoubling 此外,因为它是喜爱的声调,享受也加倍
- Japanese talking
http://tmcloves.jugem.jp/?eid=461 Furthermore it was song version and* Because looking at “your dog” after, we had desired very with [supeshiya], it was delightful - 此外它是歌曲版本and*,由于看“您的狗”以后,我们渴望了非常与[supeshiya],它是令人愉快的-
- Japanese weblog
http://shunpei.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/03/post-3c8a.html Furthermore the dream which is seen is pleasant with only strange ones 此外看的梦想是宜人的与奇怪仅那些
Regent, Fashion, Manga,