- GOSICK gothic (1st story)
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/chihaya1023/44562621.html Therefore “being heard in me,…” Por lo tanto “siendo oído en mí,…”
- original letters
http://monokurosakura.cocolog-nifty.com/hibari/2010/10/post-0e57.html Or “the [chi] [yo] [tsu]… it is to stop,”, a liberal translation O “[ji] [yo] [tsu]… es parar,”
- Japanese weblog
http://katy-jazz.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/10/post-e551.html “Therefore with special care, about 1 tunes it probably will keep hearing?”, that the thing 20 minute when it does and the [ge] properly, blends to the populace, waits for the start of [suneohea ¿“Por lo tanto con el cuidado especial, cerca de 1 lo templa guardará probablemente el oír? ”, eso el minuto cuando hace y [GE] correctamente, mezclas al populacho, esperas de la cosa 20 para el comienzo de [suneohea
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