- It is easy to gather? (Laughing) [huigiyuatsu] ZERO, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yy20001112/e/f0aa3775671c2c9dabe5ed8465a95622 Even when privately [tsundere] attribute of the chopper thinking as the kana which is necessary and/or doing it increases, but (laughing) 既使当私下[认为作为是必要的并且/或者做它增加的kana的砍刀的tsundere]属性,但是(笑)
- 2011 summer drama arranging entirely, it tries commenting, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/shiratama-kingyo66/entry-10945349303.html We wanted doing privately well around high Yuriko, it is, don't you think? the [e, a liberal translation 我们在高Yuriko,它附近想要很好私有做,您是否不认为? [e
- Japanese weblog
http://blog.livedoor.jp/m-07_62939/archives/51648379.html The one which is made [pitatsu] privately likes, kana -, a liberal translation 私下被做的那个[pitatsu]喜欢, kana -
- Japanese Letter
http://blog.livedoor.jp/natsuko1280/archives/51412797.html When privately, it is light, [jiyanizu] receiving, it entered with room, that thinking, whether it is it is not, the [ru] it does,, a liberal translation 当私下,它是轻的时, [jiyanizu]接受,它输入了与室,认为,它不是的它是否是[它的ru],
Regent, Fashion, Manga,