- Map of rumor
http://ameblo.jp/footballlover/entry-10318175357.html The [tsu] [te] thinking, the cod about 5 it has, already, a liberal translation Das [tsu] [te] Denken, der Kabeljau über 5, die es hat, bereits
- *選抜大運動会*
http://blog.livedoor.jp/cloverlovegonn/archives/51539917.html However the [tsu] [te] you think, broadcast large game and contents of time almost were simultaneous in several years ago Gleichwohl [tsu] [te] denken Sie, war großes Spiel in der Sendung und Inhalt der Zeit fast einigen Jahren vor simultan
- 15(金)16(土 )激しかった
http://blog.livedoor.jp/gyrock/archives/51468179.html When the [tsu] [te] you thought, unexpected it was after related to flow Als [tsu] [te] waren Sie der Gedanke, unerwartet es nach in Verbindung stehendem mit Fluss
- なんか色々ありがとう
http://ameblo.jp/o0w0o-apple-peach-o0x0o/entry-10275173820.html When the [tsu] [te] you think, the nephew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, a liberal translation Wenn [tsu] [te] denken Sie, der Neffe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- さよなら僕のかわいいシロツメクサと 、手帳の隅で眠り続けるスト
http://stroborush.blog.drecom.jp/archive/941 The [tsu] [te] it was continuation of the scene which is thought, a liberal translation [Tsu] [te] war es Fortsetzung der Szene, die Gedanke ist
Regent, Fashion, Manga,