- Lying down and getting up*
http://ameblo.jp/aicoo/entry-10564158398.html The interior where I am not hot by the way completely 内部我不完全地的地方顺便说一句是热的
- Japanese Letter
http://mblg.tv/040420/entry/347/ It seems that by the way is about good5…, a liberal translation 顺便说一句是关于good5…的它似乎
- Japanese weblog
http://blog.livedoor.jp/sleeping_lions_mc/archives/51430751.html By the way, leather John of example, when the jury has still served in the center Japan market, being [butsu] which order is done, approximately about 1 year half is story before, (blast), a liberal translation 顺便说一句,例子的皮革约翰,当陪审员在命令完成的中心日本市场上时仍然担任了,是[butsu],大约大约1年半是故事前面, (疾风)
- 日常日記
http://blog.livedoor.jp/uccyann/archives/51381752.html As for the [etsuseisuto] best 3 which by the way is the book shelf of the house, a liberal translation 关于顺便说一句是房子的书架的[etsuseisuto]最佳3
- 「フジさんよ!!!」
http://blog.livedoor.jp/psj_okubo/archives/65294962.html By the way, still there is also a song of the diary 顺便说一句,仍然也有日志的歌曲
Regent, Fashion, Manga,