- Vaccination it is distant going out, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/taketake7772005/65417365.html From now the nose and ears course of [chibi] and influenza 1st it goes in time De ahora en adelante el curso de la nariz y de los oídos de [chibi] y 1r de la gripe va a tiempo
- But company management of tightrope walking, it may become somehow, that when you think, in addition” the ear you sound and” are… young we, collection!, a liberal translation
http://art-v.cocolog-nifty.com/nougaki/2011/07/post-c0d1.html Now, it does not go to the meaning where by his collapses, whether, tomorrow, it goes to the nose and ears course,, a liberal translation Ahora, no va al significado donde por sus derrumbamientos, si, mañana, va a la nariz y los oídos cursan,
- After a long time [watashi]…
http://smile-home.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-5208.html Although now it is accustomed to catching, as for the nose and ears course which has been done as for the patient it is many Aunque ahora esté acostumbrado a la cogida, en cuanto al curso de la nariz y de los oídos que se ha hecho en cuanto al paciente es muchos
- To the nose and ears course, a liberal translation
http://harukaze.txt-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-9f43.html When you think from now, one time of the extent which either the teacher of the nose and ears course does not know it was popular Cuando usted piensa de ahora en adelante, una vez del grado que cualquier el profesor del curso de la nariz y de los oídos no lo sabe era popular
Otolaryngology, Health,