- Recently to the ear, a liberal translation
http://oonogenjin.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-64e8.html “The inside of the ear becoming swollen, beginning to cover the auditory canal, “this with [ikan]” “for a while with the [ru]” cotton stick prohibition!” « L'intérieur de l'oreille devenant gonflée, commençant à couvrir le canal auditif, « ceci de [ikan] » « pendant un moment par [RU] » la prohibition de bâton de coton ! »
- Beginning to become the otitis media. ., a liberal translation
http://m-nakahara.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-9d26.html “The germ turning to the ear, from the [ru], « Le germe se tournant vers l'oreille, du [RU],
- The nose and ears course it went, but it is, the [e]….
http://cyuru.jugem.jp/?eid=460 If “it seems that is the ear [ku] [so], please take next!”The [tsu] you asked distantly, a liberal translation Si « il semble qui est l'oreille [ku] [ainsi], prenez svp après ! » [Tsu] vous avez demandé lointainement
- The left ear is not audible!?
http://yone.txt-nifty.com/blog/2011/09/post-adbf.html “It will try taking the ear dirt « Il essayera de prendre la saleté d'oreille
Otolaryngology, Health,