- This year the body is not cold
http://takurou2002.cocolog-nifty.com/mental/2011/11/post-64ad.html “This year it is not cold, is”, that if it appeals “Este año no es frío, es”, que si apela
- Liver bud swelling periodic medical examination
http://buchin55go.blog5.fc2.com/blog-entry-450.html These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics. “Este vez podría hacer experto, -” con, salió directamente
- Also reservation of this year is completion.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/uzuracyan98/64499421.html “It does today, with the waiting enormous patient, the [yo] -” with Mr. professor “Hace hoy, con el paciente enorme que espera, [yo] -” con Sr. profesor
- From the next to the next……
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yuukiko2438/45828149.html The sponsor changed to “jack Daniel”, (laughing) El patrocinador cambió “para alzar con el gato a Daniel”, (riendo)
- While doing business, high rhinoceros Okinawa discovery
http://ebaty.blog106.fc2.com/blog-entry-1332.html “This year Fukuda was absence unusually, it is”, that, when you say, “it is strange! The [wa] which is not such an expectation ¡“Este año Fukuda era ausencia inusualmente, él es”, que, cuando usted dice, “es extraño! [Wa] que no es tal expectativa
Otolaryngology, Health,