- Truth of olive., a liberal translation
http://macchaice.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-c17f.html “The preschool it enters from sometime the ~~~~~~!!!”With, the [pu] it is the [pu] it is, but „Das Vortraining, das es einmal vom ~~~~~~!! anmeldet! “ Mit, [PU] ist es [PU] es ist, aber
- The stomach it lets stand and starts the hospital
http://inakanoko-071203life.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-a898.html “It is well, the esophagus flame!”With „Es ist gut, die Ösophagusflamme! “ Mit
- Pearl kind characteristic otitis media
http://triumph-scrambler.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/07/post-621d.html “The [u] ~ it is, something you damaged after all, don't you think? you think that it is, the ~” Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Name of the sickness which understands at last!!!
„Die Lymphknotenflamme der subakuten Nekrose charakteristische (die Kikuchi Krankheit)“ ist
- natsuyasumi
„[A] -, beendet es auch der freie Tag an heute? Arbeit oder [a] -, ist es das Ohr vom Morgen, -“
Otolaryngology, Health,