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○■ (As for Xinhua finance,/H ari June). . u0026amp; $. . u0026amp; As for $ American Secretary of State make [hirarikurintonsai] clear as for Tuesday China and the United States which the nucleus of the optimistic program, approximately what of Iran it is done, reaches the United Nations Security Council which agreement on…
○■ France faces a sixth day of national protests Tuesday against President Nicolas Sarkozy's pensions reform and with the stakes rising after youths battled riot police and filling stations ran DRY. Tuesday's coordinated protest is the latest in a series of mounting actions against Sarkozy's plan to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62, and follows days of strikes and skirmishes and full-blown street marches. As for France, as for the young person, the police after fighting, the filling up station DRY. Tuesday. . u0026#39; It is the up-to-date work of the opposite installation action series to the plan of [sarukoji] because adjustment protest raises retirement, you follow 60 - 62 years old which have faced on the 6th day of protest Tuesday of citizen vis-a-vis the annuity reformation of startup [sutekusu] and [sarukoji] president whom it ran, in the strike, skirmish and day of real street march
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