- 5 Gennaio 2012
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/scinii/63449702.html Truly, it was the state which we would not like to see Verdadeiramente, era o estado que nós não gostaríamos de ver
- Human story, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/basilisk_rave/archives/51634539.html It was favorite truly Era favorito verdadeiramente
- The [gu] ~ the New Year's Day set which would like to drop!?
http://green-leaves.at.webry.info/201201/article_1.html In order to be released to morning, that you thought whether it will make reservation contribution, but because it was the time which is not great difference it raised that way, a liberal translation A fim para ser liberado à manhã, isso você pensou se fará a contribuição da reserva, mas porque era o tempo que não é grande diferença ele levantou essa maneira
Doraemon, Anime, Manga,