- 'To give this!'[hi] [me] tangerine communication 76
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/aokirimikan/e/0aec2a97943fc7b5146dd6b76638ed54 It does in the Christmas section, the [yo]?” Il fait dans la section de Noël, [le yo] ? »
- The gong obtaining the ~ it is
http://ameblo.jp/katosaya/entry-11022677273.html Christmas chooses while the leaflet seeing together with two, the cake, Noël choisit tandis que le feuillet voyant ainsi que deux, le gâteau,
- Helping of [santa, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/nadeshiko-maman/entry-11110952988.html While just ahead Christmas, while being prepared in what, Tandis que juste en avant Noël, tout en étant préparé dans ce qui,
- The [gu] ~ the New Year's Day set which would like to drop!?
http://green-leaves.at.webry.info/201201/article_1.html In Christmas there is no excuse with extension gong figure news item of the continuation, a liberal translation Dans Noël il n'y a aucune excuse avec le chiffre nouvelle de gong de prolongation de la suite
Doraemon, Anime, Manga,