- In “eye mass” [dokidoki].
http://ameblo.jp/mituo-papapa/entry-11100181757.html Oh, to here hammer [ru Oh, a aquí martille [ru
- 17th year…
http://ameblo.jp/tekusatu/entry-11088613788.html Doing safely to here, this it is as for, solely master your favor…, a liberal translation Haciendo con seguridad aquí, esto está en cuanto a, domina solamente su favor…
- slump-slump.ohicom
http://blog.livedoor.jp/starrytdai/archives/53517990.html Even unexpectedly this year it is unprecedented to here to fall, Incluso este año es inesperado sin precedente a aquí bajar,
- Volume of [hu] seeing return run
http://hellokittylove-fumi.air-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-143b.html It came to here! Because it has come with only car or jr, halting at such a place very fresh, a liberal translation ¡Vino a aquí! Porque ha venido con solamente el coche o el JR, parando en tal lugar muy fresco
Doraemon, Anime, Manga,