- The Toyota CM, the gong obtaining it is appearance
http://takehana.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/cm-e2b7.html The gong obtaining it is the French ~! O gongo que obtem o é o ~ francês!
- Extension thickly test 100 point
http://anniversary-k-himuro.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/09/100-aa61.html Also the gong obtaining of popularity animation comes coming out is, “it extends and is to be thick” with the test always 0 points! Igualmente a obtenção do gongo da animação da popularidade vem saindo é, “estende e é ser grossa” com o teste sempre 0 pontos!
- The Toyota gong obtaining it is new CM however in “it extended and had been effective thickly barbecue” volume story, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/redsmesa1317/e/f994887a7d0fc26526039a6920f4a8fe The Toyota gong obtaining it is new cm, “it extends, thickly barbecue” volume, a liberal translation Toyota dá sinal de gongo obtendo o é cm novo, “ele estende, grossa volume do assado”
- Gong demon, a liberal translation
http://happy-lifu.jugem.jp/?eid=1181 The gong obtaining gong demon [yamapi] 扮 in the [sune] husband is cm to start, the better seed O gongo que obtem o 扮 do demónio do gongo [yamapi] no marido [do sune] é cm a começar, a semente melhor
Doraemon, Anime, Manga,