- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://winmarvelous.at.webry.info/201110/article_2.html Nakayama 12r Nakayama autumn premium d1200m, a liberal translation Automne d1200m de la meilleure qualité de Nakayama 12r Nakayama
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/big_chance2005/64093235.html Great difference it is defeated Nakayama autumn to a running favorite before p & the crystal boy and… [ribenji] is! Grande différence il est défait automne de Nakayama à un favori courant avant p et au garçon en cristal et… [ribenji] est !
- J. [seravui] которое шьет зазор надежной лошади и мощной лошади [supurintazu] s другие вещи
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kudannogotoshi/archives/51633725.html Nakayama 12r Nakayama autumn as for premium here you diagnose re-game of Echigo [sutekusu, a liberal translation Automne de Nakayama 12r Nakayama quant à la prime ici vous diagnostiquez le re-jeu d'Echigo [sutekusu
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