- You take with NEX-5
http://odamaki1031.cocolog-nifty.com/osaka_no_katasumi_kara/2010/09/nex-5-750e.html Something the framework framework it did! Quelque chose le cadre de cadre il a fait !
- kishuu kaidou �� 1
http://nanja.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/04/1-c135.html However something scale is different at all, (laughing) Cependant quelque chose la balance est différente du tout, (riant)
- original letters
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yuuy1024/60732358.html Something the Kansai valve [tsu] [te] of the woman lovely is, don't you think? -, a liberal translation Quelque chose la valve de Kansai [tsu] [te] de la femme belle est-vous, ne pensez-vous pas ? -
Dotonbori, Food And Drinks , Locality,