- Professional wrestling Ra sign is done in the back, the [yo] [tsu] [te, a liberal translation
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/hanachidori/diary/201011010000/ While such a thing thinking, the weekend when in the future of the daughter it thinks, a liberal translation Quando tal coisa que pensa, o fim de semana em que no futuro da filha pensa
- oosaka de mitsu keta ironna mono
http://ameblo.jp/nwogomaq/entry-10885238466.html Such a thing, the excessiveness it is not? While [tsu] [te] honesty thinking, me one (- the _-) Tal coisa, o excessiveness não é? Quando [tsu] [te] honestidade que pensa, mim uma (- o _-)
- Japanese Letter
http://blog.livedoor.jp/heppocoach/archives/51554866.html Thinking of such a thing, there is no charm of the [ru] and Kobe O pensamento de tal coisa, lá não é nenhum encanto do [ru] e de Kobe
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/taiki0509/entry-10569065648.html The [so] it is with having, [muhuhu] with thing after a long time (* as for everyone of the good child until you become the adult, way it does not do, (the °∀°) b), a liberal translation [Assim] é com ter, [muhuhu] com coisa após uma estadia longa (* quanto para a todos da boa criança até que você se transforme o adulto, maneira que não faz, (o °∀°) b)
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