- Continuation Osaka, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/takaman-rin/entry-10721538460.html At Dotonbori it is the Glico, a liberal translation Dotonbori串[katsu] *
- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ryouma16_october/e/b48f8e1e27419e988e6290b8d7676a01 Dotonbori it goes north, turns back from the Tenma bridge near one town of the position (11 kilometers), a liberal translation Dotonbori它去北部,从Tenma桥梁转回去在位置附近(11公里)的一个镇
http://ameblo.jp/kikimuyayari/entry-10991571816.html However it was even in Dotonbori, the Osaka new world (paternal home of the heaven official building) with 然而它甚而在Dotonbori,大阪新的世界(天堂正式大厦的父亲家)与
- Comentarios japones en los examenes de blog, comentarios, problemas, la evaluacion, la reputacion
http://ameblo.jp/iitaihoudaiyaritaihoudai/entry-10728747228.html Dotonbori sightseer here and there, photographic set-up Dotonbori观光者各处,摄影设定
Dotonbori, Food And Drinks , Locality,