- In you chest [kiyun], with
http://blog.livedoor.jp/semi3/archives/51589109.html * When the pop pop you say, it may to try not to accept other than that, because is, being able to meet, you say, but because it is the basis and the careless food, you hear with anything * Cuando el estallido del estallido que usted dice, puede intentar no aceptar con excepción de ése, porque es, pudiendo encontrarse, usted dice, pero porque es la base y el alimento descuidado, usted oye con cualquier cosa
- * [piguredei] September 9th nighttime mini- live tour (before [hurima] Asakusa relations seeing world Matsuya of the source)
http://ameblo.jp/chii52/entry-10644588374.html * Other than the picture of part when it clicks, it can see with the original big picture * Con excepción del cuadro de la parte cuando chasca, puede ver con el cuadro grande original
- * [piguredei] August 28th morning guerrilla live ([hurima] of source)
http://ameblo.jp/chii52/entry-10633227930.html * When it clicks, can all pictures see with the original big picture * Cuando chasca, pueden todos los cuadros considerar con el cuadro grande original
gensan, Gamble,