- Conception conversion of flood control, a liberal translation
http://hydrangeaceae.cocolog-nifty.com/hydrangea/2010/07/post-c87e.html How to think the open levee which the Takeda Makoto 玄 utilizes in flood control of the rivers, it is necessary now re-to recognize, a liberal translation Como pensar o dique aberto que o 玄 de Takeda Makoto utiliza no controle de inundação dos rios, é necessário agora re-a reconhece
- �� zouzei �� ka �� kokusai �� ka �� fukkou heno michisuji wo kangae ru ��
http://businessman-ikusei.air-nifty.com/200602/2011/05/post-5d0c.html The famous color, “Kazabayasi volcano” (flag finger ones) it is in the Takeda Makoto 玄, but quoted to this splendid wording is recorded from Sunzi A cor famosa, de “vulcão Kazabayasi” (dedo da bandeira uns) está no 玄 de Takeda Makoto, mas citado a este fraseio esplêndido é gravado de Sunzi
- Japanese Letter
http://manekineco-ex.seesaa.net/article/170919470.html 還 Worldly doing with the recommendation of the Takeda Makoto 玄, it becomes the 伽 group of people and the doctor, a liberal translation fazer mundano com a recomendação do 玄 de Takeda Makoto, do 還 assenta bem no grupo de pessoas do 伽 e no doutor
- Japanese talking
http://walkin.way-nifty.com/walkin/2009/11/post-9c99-1.html It is the construction with the Takeda Makoto 玄 but, after being taken in Ieyasu, Takeda Masaru asking/depending recaptured, made real Yamashiro É a construção com o 玄 de Takeda Makoto mas, após ser Ieyasu recolhido, pedir de Takeda Masaru/depender recapturada, feito Yamashiro real
- Japanese Letter
http://taichi-psycho.cocolog-nifty.com/adler/2010/06/post-c6ab.html As for noted Yamamoto intuition help although it appeared in many drama and the novel including big river “Kazabayasi volcano”, the existence characteristic was long doubted as a troop teacher of the Takeda Makoto 玄 Quanto para a ajuda notável da intuição de Yamamoto embora parecesse nos muitos drama e a novela que inclui o rio grande de “vulcão Kazabayasi”, a característica da existência foi duvidada por muito tempo como um professor da tropa do 玄 de Takeda Makoto
- weblog title
http://kyoumo-himatubushi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/04/post-ffe8.html “Kazabayasi volcano” of Takeda Makoto 玄 玄 de Takeda Makoto pode scolded publicamente
- The last days of the shogunate Tosa and edge of worth
http://taichi-psycho.cocolog-nifty.com/adler/2010/03/post-131a.html Itagaki Makoto one with the rearing person in charge of the Takeda Makoto 玄, the super is heavy retainer who serves the councillor Itagaki Makoto um com a pessoa de elevação responsável do 玄 de Takeda Makoto, o super é o retentor pesado que sere o conselheiro
Takeda Shingen, Video Game,