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    • Not be counted as unemployed u0026quot;job hunting but did not want to work,u0026quot; try to chart the transition of people: Garbagenews.com
      [Minus the previous year before 32 million people suffering temporary employees coming period ... try to chart the current state of non-regular employees] As also mentioned, such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs February 22, 2010, in the year 2009 Labor Force Survey (Detailed Tabulation) Preliminary results were presented in ([Labor Force Survey (Detailed Tabulation), average annual 2009 (preliminary) results: page presentation]). There are 2009 or 2009, including years in the past few years, various data have been included in the working environment and employment issues in Japan ...

    • u0026quot;Warmingu0026quot; skeptics in the U.S. ... more blunders Intergovernmental Panel (Yomiuri) - Yahoo! News
      WASHINGTON, Yamada Tetsurou] has been rekindled in the United States for global warming skeptics. The scientific community to combat global warming and advocates alarmed the expansion began to counterattack but the skeptics, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is continuing blunders, has been struggling. The skepticism that led to the 勢I付Ka, last November, was released large amounts of stolen mail in English from East Anglia University computer u0026quot;Climate (Climate) gate scandal.u0026quot; ...
      WASHINGTON, Yamada Tetsurou] a été relancé dans les Etats-Unis pour les sceptiques du réchauffement climatique.懐疑派の拡大に危機感を抱いた温暖化対策の推進派や科学界は反撃を始めたものの、国連の気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)の失策が続く中、苦戦を強いられている。 Le scepticisme qui a conduit à la Ka 势 付 I, Novembre dernier, a été libéré de grandes quantités de courrier volées en anglais de lu0026#39;East Anglia University Computer u0026quot;Climat (Climate) scandale porte. ...

    • Trilemma that afflict China Factory: Nikkei Business Online
      The labor shortage in the face of fierce Nikkei manufacturer China factory. Employees who never returned home on Lunar New Year holiday, which can affect the productivity. Before even raising the minimum wage, increase in production costs is inevitable. 400/4500 -. The Spring Festival vacation from February 22, Guangdong Province, China, the rate of absenteeism of employees work in a factory with machinery manufacturer Nikkei. Among those absent, the holiday had been declared before the third. Most do without, has come to us during the holidays. This is a special case ...
      Дефицит рабочей силы в условиях ожесточенной завода производителя Nikkei Китая. Сотрудники, которые не вернулись домой на лунный Новый год праздник, который может повлиять на производительность. Прежде чем даже повышение минимальной заработной платы, рост издержек производства является неизбежным. 400/4500 -. Весенний фестиваль отпуске с 22 февраля, провинция Гуандун, Китай, уровень невыходов работников на работу с оборудованием завода производителя Nikkei. Среди них отсутствуют, праздник был объявлен до третьей. Большинство обойтись, пришла к нам во время каникул. Это особый случай ...

    • Why you need a Civil Service Reform - Joeu0026#39;s Labo
      Shinsho my being quoted profusely but for some reason the entrance exam, also appeared in the paper seems to have some law school admission. Looking at the samples have been sent, so pretty good questions, here I want to answer as one. First, my book u0026quot;is the age of three years, young people who left or went to any outsideru0026quot; 129p ~ hen the officials are quoted. In short, the bureaucrats parachute itself is a cost, any reform of their own u0026quot;vested interestsu0026quot; through a filter that ...

    • Monster voters - who drifted in the sea of information
      Chat, ask for the impossible for parents to school Monsutapearentsu school politics.多くの人は学校に通った経験があり、学校の限界と、教師の権限がどの程度かを把握している人は多い。 Therefore, when the parents ask for the impossible, customers ask for the impossible to shop for Monsutakasutama companies and many people can understand itu0026#39;s impossible. (Including friends) by part-time job experience and employee blogs, and corporate limits, the more people know how much authority the clerk ...
      Chat, pedir lo imposible para que los padres a la escuela, la política de la escuela Monsutapearentsu. Muchas personas han asistido a la experiencia de la escuela, y los límites de la escuela, si la gente sabe cuántos profesores de la autoridad. Por lo tanto, cuando los padres pedir lo imposible, los clientes de pedir lo imposible para hacer compras para las empresas Monsutakasutama y mucha gente puede entender que es imposible. (Amigos entre ellos) por parte la experiencia de trabajo a tiempo parcial y los blogs de los empleados, y los límites de las empresas, más gente sabe cuánta autoridad del secretario ...

    • Agora: after all, only a change in the political, politics can not be changed. - Matsumoto Tetsuzou
      End of todayu0026#39;s political column category, and only a change in the political, politics can not be changed. - The support rate has plummeted Matsumoto Tetsuzou Democrat. The biggest reason is u0026quot;money in politicsu0026quot; is a matter of, is a bigger issue, u0026quot;economic and foreign policyu0026quot; will of the vagus. u0026quot;Strayu0026quot; word may be inappropriate. I say flat, u0026quot;Well no decentu0026quot; I think it means. This cause and we get down to it, after all, u0026quot;political operationu0026quot; is u0026quot;the future of the countryu0026quot; are considered more important than ...
      Конец политической категории колонка сегодня, и только изменения в политической, политике не может быть изменена. - 松本徹三民主党の支持率が急落しています。 Основная причина заключается в u0026quot;денег в политикеu0026quot; является вопросом, является большим вопросом u0026quot;, экономической и внешней политикеu0026quot; блуждающих. Слова u0026quot;Бездомныйu0026quot; может быть неуместным. Я говорю плоский u0026quot;Ну нет достойногоu0026quot; Я думаю, это означает. Это дело, и мы приступим к нему, в конце концов, u0026quot;политической операцииu0026quot; это u0026quot;будущее страныu0026quot; считаются более важными, чем ...

    • u0026quot;Warmingu0026quot; skeptics in the U.S. ... more blunders Intergovernmental Panel: Environment: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      WASHINGTON, Yamada Tetsurou] has been rekindled in the United States for global warming skeptics. The scientific community to combat global warming and advocates alarmed the expansion began to counterattack but the skeptics, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is continuing blunders, has been struggling. The skepticism that led to the 勢I付Ka, last November, was released large amounts of stolen mail in English from East Anglia University computer u0026quot;Climate (Climate) gate scandal.u0026quot; IP ...
      WASHINGTON, Yamada Tetsurou], se ha reavivado en los Estados Unidos para los escépticos del calentamiento global.懐疑派の拡大に危機感を抱いた温暖化対策の推進派や科学界は反撃を始めたものの、国連の気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)の失策が続く中、苦戦を強いられている。 El escepticismo que llevó a la 势 I 付 Ka, en noviembre pasado, fue lanzado grandes cantidades de correo robados en Inglés de la Universidad de East Anglia equipo u0026quot;Clima (Climate) gateu0026quot;. IP ...

    • Ministry of Internal Affairs | Kuraudopotarusaito municipalities
      自治体クラウドとは、近年さまざまな分野で活用が進んでいるクラウドコンピューティングを電子自治体の基盤構築にも活用していこうとするものです。 The ministry is working on in 2009 is where the cloud development and demonstration projects from fiscal municipalities. This project is to consolidate data center information systems of local governments, which is jointly used by municipalities, and experiments to achieve the efficient construction and operation of information systems. Open local cloud ...
      Облако и местные органы власти фактически пытаются использовать их, чтобы заложить фундамент для электронного правительства собираетесь использовать облачных вычислений в различных областях в последние годы. Прорабатывается возможность в 2009 году, когда развитие облаков и демонстрационных проектов с финансовой муниципалитетов.この事業は、地方公共団体の情報システムをデータセンターに集約し、市町村がこれを共同利用することにより、情報システムの効率的な構築と運用を実現するための実証実験です。 Открытое местных облако ...

    • 続落 prime ministeru0026#39;s approval rating u0026quot;from the 民主Rashi invisibleu0026quot;: Politics: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Prime Minister Hatoyama on March 8, about the cabinetu0026#39;s approval rating fell by the latest opinion polls and Yomiuri Shimbun, u0026quot;but the change of government, is waiting to see the 民主党Rashi. I think thatu0026#39;s not the same as before』 and has spread to the public, need to seriously consider, u0026quot;he said. Answered the questions of reporters in front of the prime ministeru0026#39;s residence. That there are calls for a cabinet reshuffle to stimulate the part of the Democratic administration, u0026quot;Cabinet reshuffle is now not consideredu0026quot; from him. As for the future ,u0026quot;...
      Le Premier ministre Hatoyama sur Mars 8, à propos des avis du0026#39;approbation du Cabinet a donc chuté derniers sondages du0026#39;opinion et le Yomiuri Shimbun, «mais le changement de gouvernement, attend de voir le Rachi 民主党. Je pense que ce nu0026#39;est pas la même que précédemment』 et su0026#39;est propagée à la population, ont besoin du0026#39;envisager sérieusement, at-il dit. Répondu aux questions des journalistes en face de la résidence du Premier ministre. Quu0026#39;il ya des appels pour un remaniement ministériel afin de stimuler la part de lu0026#39;administration démocrate, u0026quot;remaniement ministériel nu0026#39;est plus considérée commeu0026quot; de lui. Quant à lu0026#39;avenir ,u0026quot;...

    • Political reading: Democratic gubernatorial defeat Nagasaki (1) hidden supporters would not budge - Daily jp (Mainichi)
      Is attracting attention as a prelude to the summer upper house election, the ruling party lost three candidates recommended by the Nagasaki gubernatorial election party (Feb. 21 voting and ballot counting day) from 2 weeks. Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama is u0026quot;money politicsu0026quot; and the postmortem showed the problem, came 奏Sanakatta the trick is cutting into the actual votes cast in support of the Liberal Democratic Party has promoted Ichiro Ozawa of the Democratic Party Secretary General. Ozawa is still u0026quot;a national election and local elections are fundamentally different from the consciousness of votersu0026quot; as u0026quot;Ozawa Ryuuu0026quot; ready aim to ensure a working majority to the House of Councilors election organization. Since April, 10 the heat budget.
      Es atraer la atención como un preludio a la elección de la cámara alta de verano, el partido gobernante perdió tres candidatos recomendados por el Grupo de las elecciones a gobernador de Nagasaki (21 de febrero de votación y escrutinio el día) a partir de 2 semanas.鳩山由紀夫首相は「政治とカネ」問題が敗因と認めたが、民主党の小沢一郎幹事長が進めてきた自民党支持票の切り崩しが功を奏さなかった実態も浮かんだ。 Ozawa es todavía u0026quot;una elección nacional y las elecciones locales son fundamentalmente diferentes de la conciencia de los votantesu0026quot; como u0026quot;objetivo Ozawa Ryuuu0026quot; listo para asegurar una mayoría en la Cámara de Consejeros de la organización de elecciones. Desde abril, 10, el presupuesto de calor.

    • Heisei 22 year Treasury balance of payments during the month (Provisional) Summary of
      Current account balance: surplus of 8,998 billion yen (325 billion the previous year +1 transformation from deficit to surplus 100 million yen) u0026quot;income accountu0026quot; but the shrinking surplus, the u0026quot;balance of tradeu0026quot; and it turned from a surplus in current account has turned black. 1. Trade and services balance: surplus of 373 billion yen (945 billion the previous year +1 transformed from deficit to surplus 100 million yen) u0026quot;trade balanceu0026quot; is turning a profit, u0026quot;service paymentsu0026quot; from that deficit reduction, u0026quot;Trade service balance u0026quot;was a surplus. (Increase in the same month the previous year.
      Баланс текущего счета: сальдо в 8998 млрд иен (325 миллиардов в прошлом году 1 переход от дефицита к прибавочной 100 млн иен) u0026quot;счет доходовu0026quot;, однако сокращение излишков, u0026quot;торговый балансu0026quot;, и обратился с положительным сальдо счета текущих операций почернели. 1. Торговля и услуги баланса: сальдо в 373 млрд иен (945 миллиардов в прошлом году 1 преобразована из дефицит прибавочной 100 млн иен) u0026quot;торговый балансu0026quot; является поворотным прибыль u0026quot;, платежи по обслуживаниюu0026quot; от сокращения дефицита, что, u0026quot;Торговля Служба баланс u0026quot;был исполнен с профицитом. (Увеличение в тот же месяц предыдущего года.

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): high school reform in the governor just can start to get sent off Hashimoto - Social
      Cantabile high school in Osaka Prefecture Governor Toru Hashimoto, public and private have both sent off -. High school reform this spring in Osaka Prefecture Governor Toru Hashimoto, begins in earnest. To eliminate the gap between public and private tuition, greatly expanding the government and private grants. Students to compete in public and private gain. In addition, public subsidies to such promises were the results in areas such as arts and sports, to encourage competition among the public. Stick to the governor, u0026quot;the principle of competitionu0026quot; is what will improve the quality of education in Osaka. ◇ u0026quot;I Public ...
      如歌高中在大阪府知事桥本彻,公共和私人都被罚下场-.高中改革这在大阪府知事桥本彻春天正式来临。为了消除公共和私人之间的学费差距,极大地扩大政府和私人赠款。学生参加公共和私人利益。此外,这些承诺的公共补贴,如艺术,体育等领域的成果,以鼓励市民之间的竞争。坚持省长,“竞争”的原则是将改善在大阪教育质量。 ◇“我公共...

    • The suffering of Japanese companies 25 years ago, American companies had a taste - My Life in MIT Sloan
      Last week, there are different fields exchange meeting in January to gather Japanese researchers who live in Boston, weu0026#39;ve had the lecture. More than 100 people had gathered a great success. Thank you to those who are really coming. Content of the lecture, large companies, for any new technology, why should not we be at the helm of management, are called.前半では、日本の大企業が各分野で最近競争力を失い、シェアを減らしている、 でも実はそれは日本に限らず、世界中の大企業が陥る...
      La semaine dernière, il ya différents champs réunion du0026#39;échange en Janvier de rassembler des chercheurs japonais qui vivent à Boston, nous avons eu la conférence. Plus de 100 personnes su0026#39;étaient rassemblées un grand succès. Merci à ceux qui ne sont pas loin. Contenu de la conférence, de grandes entreprises, pour toute nouvelle technologie, pourquoi ne devrions-nous être à la barre de la direction, sont appelés. Au premier semestre, a récemment perdu sa compétitivité dans chaque secteur des grandes entreprises japonaises sont la réduction du partage, mais ne se limite pas au fait que le Japon, les grandes entreprises autour de lu0026#39;automne monde ...

    • Why 『perversion of public opinion or the LDPu0026#39;s defeat』: pata
      Would you like us to work together? (Georgeu0026#39;s blog) u0026quot;BRUTUSu0026quot; in the u0026quot;Special Yoshimoto Takaakiu0026quot;! (Doku solution, Mr. Yoshimoto) language encyclopedia Shibuya 2008 | Shibuya language work committee (communications contact on Sale) U.S. 『THE NEWS HOUR with Jim Lehrer PBS』 (Diary of love and anguish) Tae Gen (Genmyo) iron pan hamburger. (Life is good) Triumph of the Will Triumph des Willens (Machirudabeibi!) This week ...
      您希望我们共同努力? (乔治的博客)“勃鲁脱斯”中的“特别吉本隆明”! (扎夫解决方案,吉本先生)语言百科全书涩谷2008 |涩谷语言文字工作委员会(通信联络销售)美国『进驻吉姆莱勒公共广播』(日记的爱和痛苦)太根(玄妙)新闻一小时铁锅汉堡包。 (生命是好的)意志的意志的胜利凯旋(Machirudabeibi!)本周...

    • When you exclude Japan from the center of Japan 老害 person to win overwhelmingly - Rails going on! - BLOGOS (Burogosu) - livedoor News
      Hide Tadashi Sakai (Eiji Sakai, elm200) you are interested in technology, economic and cultural. While in Vietnam today. Soft Corporation representative culture. Font Size: | | When you exclude Japan from the center of Japan 老害 person to win an overwhelming March 6, 2010 at 16 minutes 08 / offer: the best analysis of the problem. But anti-obsolescence simple. Was to document and analyze the current state of misery of the Japanese economy, METI. Current Analysis → → ■ ■ advocacy also ...
      Masquer Tadashi Sakai (Eiji Sakai, elm200) vous êtes intéressés par la technologie, économique et culturel. Même si aujourdu0026#39;hui au Vietnam. Soft Corporation représentant de la culture. Taille du texte: | | Lorsque vous excluez Japon à partir du centre du Japon 老 害 personne à remporter une écrasante 6 Mars 2010, à 16 minutes 08 / de lu0026#39;offre: la meilleure analyse du problème. Mais lu0026#39;anti-simple obsolescence. Était de documenter et du0026#39;analyser lu0026#39;état actuel de la misère de lu0026#39;économie japonaise, le METI. Current Analysis → → ■ ■ plaidoyer aussi ...

    • UN forces and Futenma Korea: Far East Blog
      Five questions in the House of Councilors Budget Committee, Prime Minister Hatoyama had to confess that I do not know of a UN military base in Futenma specified. Civilian control in an emergency and recognize that this is what I do in person at the head of the SDF, I wonder if that had any Yappari. As the Sankei Shimbun reported that five critical of the administration Hatoyama Sun article u0026quot;UN forces in Futenma Prime Minister, Chief Cabinet Secretary of the question without knowingu0026quot; captain of the beard u0026quot;disgust faceu0026quot; (see) has picked. More u0026quot;inter Upper House ...
      Пять вопросов в палате советников по бюджету, премьер-министр Хатояма пришлось признаться, незнанием ООН военную базу в Futenma указано. Гражданский контроль в чрезвычайных ситуациях и признаем, что это то, что я лично на главу SDF, я думаю, что какие-либо Yappari.報道としては鳩山政権に批判的な産経新聞の5日記事「普天間に国連軍 首相、官房長官知らず 質問の「ひげの隊長」あきれ顔」(参照)が取り上げている。 Подробнее u0026quot;Интер Верхнюю палату ...

    • Mystery why the recession of the largest debt in the yen u0026quot;Yenu0026quot; or a favorite of investors around the world (MONEYzine) - Yahoo! News
      This weeku0026#39;s four days in Tokyo foreign exchange market rose to about ¥ 88 to 14 sen, 2009 December 10, since nearly three-month highs.急激な円高は輸出企業に不利となり、日経平均株価が1万円を少し超えた水準から抜け出せない原因となっている。 The yen has led to the observation will give you a strong and prolonged low interest rate policy by the United States and European economic concerns financial unrest in Greece. Yen and the destination of the money in the world around them, fearing the risk of ...
      Cette semaine, quatre jours à Tokyo marché des changes est passé à de yens de 88 à 14 sen, 2009 Décembre 10, puisque près des trois sommets mois. Forte appréciation du Yen contre les entreprises exportatrices et est devenu le Nikkei coincé dans un niveau qui provoque un peu plus du0026#39;un million de yens. Le yen a conduit à lu0026#39;observation vous donnera une forte et la faiblesse prolongée de politique de taux du0026#39;intérêt par les États-Unis et lu0026#39;préoccupations économiques turbulences financières en Grèce. Yen et la destination de lu0026#39;argent dans le monde autour du0026#39;eux, craignant le risque de ...

    • 続落 cabinetu0026#39;s approval rating 36% 58% expecting a Democratic majority - 47NEWS (news and yon)
      6,7 Kyodo News nationwide telephone poll was conducted the weekend, Hatoyama Cabinetu0026#39;s support rate was 36.3% and 5.1 month from the previous survey two points dropped. Cabinet of the month since the launch last September, falling below 40 percent approval rating for the first time. The disapproval rate was 48.9 percent compared to last time was 3.8 percentage points. Through the upper house election in summer u0026quot;better alone accounted for the majority Democrats in the Upper Houseu0026quot; and the answer was 28.3 percent, u0026quot;better to occupy a majorityu0026quot; climbed to 58.6 percent. Last 10 points ...
      6,7 Kyodo News общенационального телефонного опроса было проведено в выходные дни, уровень поддержки кабинета Хатояма был 36,3% и 5,1 месяца по сравнению с предыдущим обследованием двух точках сократилось. Кабинет месяца с момента запуска в сентябре прошлого года, падение ниже 40 процентов, рейтинг одобрения на первое время. Неодобрения составил 48,9 процента по сравнению с прошлым временем была 3,8 процентных пункта. Через верхние выборы доме в лето u0026quot;лучше один составляли большинство демократов в верхней палатеu0026quot;, и ответ был 28,3 процента, u0026quot;лучше занять большинствоu0026quot; поднялась на 58,6 процента. Последние 10 баллов ...

    • Togetter - together, u0026quot;WADA president Sukueni theory of country risku0026quot;
      Only situation in Japan will be at a disadvantage from the standpoint of country risk management in Japan. Our managers are not fools. Nante does not pass through the network system. I do not have any pride in being Japanese. We want to discuss things Kakazu be content to cross-legged on the system. # About to discuss the bill. yoichiw 2010-03-06 21:32:20 Country Risk 1: Compliance. Public Enterprise Law Seriously? Corporate ...
      Sólo situación en Japón estará en desventaja desde el punto de vista de la gestión de riesgo del país en Japón. Nuestros directivos no son tontos. Nante no pasa a través del sistema de red. Yo no tengo ningún orgullo de ser japonés. Queremos hablar de cosas Kakazu que contentarse con las piernas cruzadas en el sistema. # Acerca de discutir el proyecto de ley. yoichiw 2010-03-06 21:32:20 País de riesgo 1: Cumplimiento. Empresas Públicas de Derecho ¿En serio? Corporativo ...

    • Japanu0026#39;s economy, An Inconvenient Truth: ASSIOMA: ITmedia Alternative Blog
      ASSIOMA: ITmedia alternative blog (RSS) ASSIOMAICT ICT industry trends and related policies based on u0026quot;The future is like this?u0026quot; In the eyes of my own to u0026quot;insist (Assioma)u0026quot; then. Including the image of Japan that I will have an image or what? Image of Japan I had an image like this. 1) Japan has the economic power to influence world, 2) the Japanese savings ...
      ASSIOMA:IT媒体替代博客(RSS)ASSIOMAICT ICT产业发展趋势和相关政策的基础上“未来这样呢?”在我自己的“坚持(Assioma)”,然后眼睛。包括日本的形象,我将有一个形象还是什么?日本的形象我有一个这样的形象。 1)日本的经济力量来影响世界,2)日本储蓄...

    • Brief mention Yomiuri date March 6: Editorial Column: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Why this trend include (Hayate), or a lock. Rapidly growing number of Internet users in the world of u0026quot;Twitteru0026quot; so to tilt the head (however) the low quality 多Karou ◆ 140 people could send anyone to the net within a short letter. Decide who should not have read. Speak u0026quot;tweetu0026quot; that. u0026quot;Hungryu0026quot; u0026quot;sleepu0026quot; there. Political, economic and international situation, some people are talking about the political space ◆ well recently, u0026quot;murmuru0026quot;. Legislators estimated that as being used by over 300 people ...
      Pourquoi cette tendance, on retrouve (Hayate), ou un verrou.インターネットの世界で利用者が急速に増えている「ツイッター」にそう首を傾(かし)げている人は多かろう◆140字以内の短文を誰でもネットに発信できる。 Décidez qui ne devrait pas avoir lu. Speak u0026quot;tweetu0026quot; cela. u0026quot;Hungryu0026quot; u0026quot;veilleu0026quot; là-bas. La situation politique, économique et international, certaines personnes parlent de lu0026#39;espace politique ◆ bien récemment, «murmure». Estime que les législateurs comme étant utilisé par plus de 300 personnes ...

    • Media Reports: Fujitsu
      Reported in some media reports about last September, Mr. Kuniaki Nozoe Mon resigned as our President, his u0026quot;resignation cancelu0026quot; was published an article stating that the document we want to send. This matter, as we are following, we will comment bon appétit. 2 around May 2009, the company president to serve the people most Nozoe and his friendship for many years, Weu0026#39;ve been involved in some projects have been promoted by Mr. Nozoe. For corporate groups such unfavorable wind ...
      Informó en algunos medios de comunicación sobre el pasado septiembre, el Sr. Kuniaki Nozoe lun renunció como nuestro Presidente, su u0026quot;renuncia cancelaru0026quot;, fue publicado un artículo afirmando que el documento que desea enviar. Esta cuestión, como que estamos siguiendo, vamos a comentar ¡Buen provecho. 2 en torno a mayo de 2009, el presidente de la compañía para servir a las personas más Nozoe y su amistad durante muchos años, hemos estado involucrados en algunos proyectos han sido promovidos por el Sr. Nozoe. Para los grupos de sociedades viento desfavorables, ...

    • Yahoo! Onbijinesu - Masayoshi Son continue to develop 300 years flow management u0026quot;galaxyu0026quot; Softbank President Masayoshi Son, listen
      Masayoshi Son continue to develop 300 years flow management u0026quot;galaxyu0026quot; Softbank President Masayoshi Son, listen to 2009 on December 09, Sun (Monthly BOSS) sales business for 30 years soon and wait for that to become a 3 trillion yen Softbank. Mobile phone companies also entered three years ago, the number of subscribers and would be better lead in 26 consecutive months. Masayoshi Sonu0026#39;s Softbank, led to this u0026quot;theory of business 300 years,u0026quot; argues. Corporate life, but is generally said that 30 years, the life I do ...
      Masayoshi Son seguir desarrollando 300 años de gestión del flujo u0026quot;galaxiau0026quot; del presidente de Softbank Masayoshi Son, escuchar a 2009 en 09 de diciembre de Sun (Mensual BOSS) Las ventas de negocio durante 30 años antes y esperar a que para ser un 3 billones de yenes Softbank. Empresas de telefonía móvil también entró hace tres años, el número de abonados, y sería mejor llevar en 26 meses consecutivos. Softbank Masayoshi Son, condujo a esta u0026quot;teoría de los negocios de 300 añosu0026quot;, argumenta. La vida empresarial, pero en general se dice que 30 años, la vida que hacer ...

    • Financial Diary: I think Japan is too weak policy-makers have an excellent salary?
      Japan 06 days in March 2010 I think the salary is too low for good policy-makers? Yesterday, after the draft report referred to in Twitter for the ministry comes in the column at Mr. Soichiro Tahara, who found the report of followers who immediately. Since this report was very well done, went quickly spread to the world of Twitter. Current status and issues surrounding the industry in Japan, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, 2010 2 more each month, you can read it ...

    • 404 Blog Not Found: Easy way first thing I Beshikkuinkamu
      BI, but is, to abolish the tax, if funds are to ensure the currency by issuing government, ostensibly to compensate for the inflation in yields to cause BI to achieve it. Seigniorage and the financial assets from the tax, the levy be used, once the tax is not no use. If no alternative to raising taxes. @ dankogai Basic Income (キ Ø ¯ heated debate live until morning Nikoniko 1 / 3 this time I was their own estimate ¥ 50,000 / person-month (¥ 72 trillion needed revenue / year) ...
      商业智能,但,取消税收,如果有资金,以确保政府通过发行货币,表面上是为了在产量为弥补通货膨胀造成商业智能软件来实现这一目标。铸币税和销售税的金融资产的征收使用,一旦税并非没有用。如果没有加税的替代。 @ dankogai基本收入(キ痌激烈的辩论,到早晨Nikoniko三分之一这个时候,我是他们自己的估计五十○点○○○日元/人月(七二○○○○○○○○○○○○日元所需收入/年)...

    • Japanese Economy »Economics 101
      But itu0026#39;s just about here, so the slides have been published by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (ht @ kazemachiroman). Has carefully described the circumstances leading up to Japanu0026#39;s troubles here. That there is no convincing suddenly become part of what I do in, all worth reading and I think that there is Japanese. Especially to extract some interesting graphs. First countryu0026#39;s savings rate trends and current issues surrounding the industry in Japan. Japanu0026#39;s high savings rate, the U.S. is heavily in debt.
      Но это всего лишь примерно здесь, чтобы слайды были опубликованы министерством экономики, торговли и промышленности (HT @ kazemachiroman). Тщательно описанных обстоятельств, которые привели к неприятности Японии здесь. То есть никаких убедительных вдруг стала частью того, что я делаю в, все стоит прочитать, и я думаю, что есть японцы. Особенно извлечь некоторые интересные графики. Экономия первой страны Оценить тенденции и текущие вопросы, связанные с отраслью в Японии. Высокая норма сбережений в Японии, США, по уши в долгах.

    • g100225a06j.pdf Japanese industry over the current situation and challenges
      Information concerning the current situation and challenges of Japanu0026#39;s industrial structure 6 2010 2 Vision Mon Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (tentative) for study of why, winning technology, business and profit or lose? Given the seriousness of Japanu0026#39;s industrial and gridlock today, u0026quot;In the future, Japan is earning what, whether it intends to employu0026quot;, is considered. New strategy of public-private common vision u0026quot;Industrial Structure (tentative name)u0026quot; for consideration, to establish a new committee to the Councilu0026#39;s industrial competitiveness in the industrial structure. 1. Division 2 Establishment of industrial competitiveness. Main considerations (to be ...
      Informaciones sobre la situación actual y retos de la estructura industrial de Japón 6 2010 2 Visión lun Ministerio de Economía, Comercio e Industria (provisional) para el estudio de por qué, la tecnología ganadora, de negocios y sin fines de lucro o perder? Dada la gravedad de la actualidad industrial y la paralización de Japón, u0026quot;En el futuro, el Japón está ganando lo que, si tiene intención de emplearu0026quot;, se considera. Nueva estrategia de la visión común público-privada u0026quot;Estructura industrial (nombre provisional)u0026quot; para su examen, para establecer un nuevo comité para la competitividad industrial por el Consejo en la estructura industrial. 1. División 2 Establecimiento de la competitividad industrial. Principales consideraciones (que se ...

    • Girlu0026#39;s lemonade stand to learn from one of nine art marketing | Web Kurieitabokkusu
      Jim Lodico marketing consultant and freelance copywriter for his articles, Web Designer Depot last year was to blog about it. Na and suddenly remembered that article was interesting because, Walter try to understand his free translation of the original. Original article u0026quot;9 Marketing Tips from a Six-Year Oldu0026#39;s Lemonade Standu0026quot; is! One day, the daughter of one software ...
      Jim Lodico consultant en marketing et rédacteur freelance pour ses articles, Web Designer Depot lu0026#39;an dernier était à un blog à ce sujet. Na et soudain rappelé que lu0026#39;article était intéressant parce que, Walter essayer de comprendre sa traduction libre de lu0026#39;original. Original article u0026quot;9 Conseils Marketing à partir du0026#39;un Six-Year Oldu0026#39;s Lemonade Standu0026quot; est! Un jour, la fille du0026#39;un logiciel ...

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